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Void Entity

The enigmatic entities known as Void Entities stand as shadowy envoys of the Voidwalkers, crafted from the nebulous substance of shadowstuff and utterly devoted to their creators. These beings, born from the essence of the Voidwalkers, wield unparalleled power, capable of decimating mortal beings with ease. Typically bound by unwavering allegiance to their respective Voidwalker creators, most Void Entities obediently serve their masters' whims. Yet, a rare few dare to sever these ties, forging their own paths and diverging from their master's agenda. Among these renegades, the notorious dark lord Abraxas stands as a legendary figure, once a Void Entity who abandoned servitude to carve his malevolent legacy. Varied in nature, Void Entities mirror the moral inclinations of their creators, with Vorgrathul's progeny steeped in malevolence, Ethranox's leaning towards neutrality, Xyraakthul's displaying a friendly disposition, Elythrian's focused on preserving ancient secrets, and Zylokathrax's select few, the Shaozexes, holding immense power and serving as messengers for their omnipotent master.

Basic Information


Void Entities exist as enigmatic entities shrouded in mystery, residing at the nexus between existence and nothingness. Their form is an ethereal enigma—a nebulous mass that embodies the very essence of darkness and emptiness. Within this amorphous silhouette, streaks of shimmering luminescence pulse and undulate, hinting at an underlying cosmic energy. Devoid of conventional features, they traverse realms as amorphous masses, reflecting an otherworldly, fluid formlessness that defies earthly anatomical conventions.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth trajectory of Void Entities is a spectral dance, defying the linear stages typical of conventional life forms. Emerging from cosmic rifts, they materialize as wispy, nebulous essences before coalescing into more defined forms. However, their growth is dictated by cosmic fluctuations and ethereal energies, leading to erratic spurts in size, power, and otherworldly capabilities as they navigate between the dimensional planes.

Ecology and Habitats

Void Entities find their optimal niche in nebulous realms straddling the interstices of cosmic dimensions. These elusive creatures are at home in spaces where cosmic energies flux and intersect. Their existence is symbiotic with the cosmic tapestry, as they draw sustenance from the transient energies permeating these nebulous habitats, existing in harmony with the ebb and flow of cosmic disturbances.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Void Entities subsist on intangible sustenance, drawing nourishment from ambient cosmic energies and ethereal particles abundant in their habitats. They eschew traditional notions of consumption, instead channeling and absorbing the essence of cosmic disturbances. Their sustenance is drawn from the energies coursing through the dimensional fabric they inhabit, sustaining their ethereal existence.

Biological Cycle

The passage of time and seasonal fluctuations scarcely influence Void Entities due to their transdimensional nature. They transcend the conventional biological rhythms of hibernation or seasonal cycles. Unbound by temporal constraints, their essence navigates the cosmic fabric, existing beyond the confines of earthly timeframes or cyclical patterns.


Within the enigmatic sphere of Void Entities, interactions are shrouded in mystique. They exist within a nebulous collective consciousness, their interactions veiled in ethereal connections and transient alliances. Often exhibiting a detached demeanor toward their own kind, they occasionally converge to harness cosmic energies for their collective well-being. Unfathomable to many, they maintain an elusive symbiosis with cosmic forces, drawing strength from ethereal realms while emitting an enigmatic response to other species in the cosmic expanse.
Scientific Name
Ethermorphus astralis
Average Height
No Fixed Height
Geographic Distribution

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