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Wood Elf (Wood Elf)

Wood elves, predominantly residing on the expansive island of Caena, maintain a harmonious connection with the dense forests that blanket the landscape. Their ethereal dwellings blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings, constructed with living elements like intertwined vines and enchanted wood. While the majority of wood elves find solace in Caena's vast woodlands, small enclaves can also be found on the dragon isles of Liverley and Elgamau. In the tumultuous times of the Dark War, wood elves played a pivotal role in forging alliances, particularly with New Arium. Their affinity for nature and mastery over forest magic made them valuable allies, aligning their interests with those seeking to thwart the malevolent forces threatening the Crean Isles.

Basic Information


Wood elves boast an elegant and slender physique, adorned with pointed ears and sharp features. Their almond-shaped eyes exhibit an acute awareness, often in shades of green or brown, mirroring their natural surroundings. Their limbs are subtly elongated, granting them agility and grace in their arboreal habitats.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wood elves experience a rapid growth rate in their early years, reaching maturity by the age of 30. Life stages include childhood, marked by an insatiable curiosity and connection with nature, followed by adolescence, where they undergo physical and magical training. Adulthood is characterized by contributions to the community, and an elderly phase, starting around 250 years, brings a deepening connection to ancient wisdom. Their potential lifespan is an impressive 400 years, allowing for a wealth of experiences.

Ecology and Habitats

Optimal environments for wood elves are lush, temperate forests. They form an intimate bond with their habitats, coexisting with the flora and fauna. The towering trees provide both shelter and sustenance. While Caena is their primary residence, small and secluded communities thrive on Liverley and Elgamau, fostering a connection to the unique ecosystems of these islands.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Primarily omnivorous, wood elves consume a diet rich in fruits, nuts, and wild game. Their hunting methods are agile and strategic, ensuring minimal impact on the delicate balance of their forest homes. The practice of sustainable foraging and responsible hunting reflects their commitment to the preservation of the ecosystem.

Biological Cycle

Wood elves remain evergreen, with their biology attuned to seasonal changes. While they do not experience hibernation, they undergo a period of rest during winter, channeling their energy towards internal renewal rather than external activities. This cycle aligns with the ebb and flow of nature, ensuring their vitality is in harmony with the changing landscape.


Wood elves are deeply attuned to nature, exhibiting a harmonious coexistence with their surroundings. They are skilled in forest magic, capable of communing with flora and fauna. Known for their agility and adaptability, wood elves are diplomatic, valuing alliances to safeguard their habitats. Social structures are communal, with decisions made through consensus, emphasizing unity and shared responsibility for the well-being of the entire community.
Scientific Name
Silvus Sylvanis
300 - 400 Years
Average Height
5'8" - 6'6"
Geographic Distribution
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