Not applicable for humans Species in The Creche Argent | World Anvil
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Not applicable for humans

The end of petroleum usage on earth cut down severely on transportation and global trade. This meant that physical goods, machinery and produce had to be locally sourced. Gene splicing and 3D-printers allowed multinationals to continue to flourish, capitalizing on their patents and investments. But nonetheless globalism turned to regionalism and the local company branches adapted to regional cultures.   Some trade within regions persisted, especially when the products could be transported by solar-powered truck-trains or on coast-bound sail-boats. Regional trade-unions slowly solidified into more permanent entities. How they were structured varied by region. Thus, regional cultural and philosophical differences persisted.   With the construction of the bean-stalks along the equator and at the north pole, expansion into space began as huge regional projects. But the time gaps eventually turned the moon, the asteroids, the martian colony and the venusian terraforming project into their own regions with only limited exchange of goods with the others.   After failed attempts to colonize the outer solar system, ideas of the giant sailships took form. Born as the next wave of regional prestige projects they were sent off into the great unknown. Each populated by representatives from the home region.   The earth left behind was a more stable place than ever. Much of the worlds population had risen out of absolute poverty and technology was roughly equal. Some conflicts still persisted, especially in central Asia and the Middle East. Crime was as much a problem as ever, though trafficking of goods or people had sunk to a new low, with the cost of global transportation.   Technologically, fusion is possible, though not nearly as cheap or free of radiation as once expected. Nanotech has allowed the construction of new materials such as the strands of the bean stalks and the fabric of the sun-sails. Advancement in software has produced ever more complex and capable systems, but along a logarithmic trajectory rather than the expected exponential one. AI seems more distant than ever.   Global population has slowly sunk back below the 7 billion line and Africa is becoming the most populous continent, mainly based in the powerful and resource-rich West-African Union.
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens sapiens

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