The Sight Condition in The Crossing | World Anvil
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The Sight

Those regularly exposed to planar energies outside of their own eventually become tainted, causing them to see into multiple planes at once. For many, this induces madness. For some, it has been the spark that ignited creative genius. Lomar The Scribe was believed to possess the sight from a young age, which might explain some of his eccentricities. Regardless, the inability to distinguish between one's own reality and others is often a cause of early death for those who manage to avoid being confined for the safety of...well, everyone.


The Sight is contracted through contact with the energies of various planes in a short period of time, the permanent and more potent version of what many planeswalkers refer to as Travelers' Sickness. In rare cases, it can be acquired by spending too much time around planar rifts(unfortunate, as many of these are invisible to the untainted mortal eye). The Skybreaker is inscribed with runes to defend against the sickness, but the knowledge of how to carve these runes is kept secret from the general populace.



Rapid heart beat, frequent temperature fluctuations, and occasionally blinking into other planes.


Anxiety, sleep paralysis, mood swings.


As there is currently no known cure for the sight, the afflicted are kept under close watch within Faldur's Rest once they become a threat to society. Some studies are currently being performed to determine the effects of additional planar energies on the body and mind of the afflicted. A means of removing planar energy has not yet been discovered.


Aside from the runes that cover the outside of the Skybreaker, there are some few preventative measures that can be taken against the sight. Some have found that the chewing of Nulroot, which counteracts the effects of blinkroot, shortly before entering another plane can help resist the onset of Travelers' Sickness. It may also help prevent one from contracting the sight, though there is currently no evidence to support this. There was also a theory floating around for a while that travelling through a plane while inside an extra planar space might prevent the ill effects of planar travel. Others thought it might make things worse. Your mileage may vary.

Cultural Reception

Those with the sight are seen differently in different cultures. The Goliaths and tribal orcs of the craglands see them as spiritual guides, and you can often find them in leadership roles. In most cities, however, the afflicted are outcasts, and as such aren't seen in influential positions except in very rare cases.
Chronic, Acquired

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