Akadi Character in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


(a.k.a. Voice of the Winds, Lady of Air, Lord of the Skies)

Elemental deity of wind and air.

Divine Domains

Akadi rules over freedom, travel, movement, impermenance, and spontineity. She takes pleasure in the ever-changing facets of the universe, and finds the permenance of the material realms deeply offensive.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Akadi's holy symbol is a cumulus cloud on any color field.

Tenets of Faith

Akadians eschew permenance and attachment, living according to whim and passing desire and keeping their minds focused in the present. They do not put down roots or settle in their place or habits, striving instead for the virtues of adaptability and openness.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Akadi usually appears as an immense whirlwind or hurricane, with a voice that could vary from the whisper of a slight breeze to the screaming of a tempest.   Her human avatar has been depicted in various species and genders, most commonly as a translucent blue humanoid of immense height similar to the Vaati. Regardless of the form, Akadi is equipped with wings that trail away into the clouds.s
Divine Classification
Elder God/Primordial
any pronouns
Ruled Locations

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa