D&D 5e Character Creation

For the most part, character creation follows standard 5th edition rules, with a few house rules to accommodate the setting and address common questions.   Get the 5th Edition Basic Rules for Free  

System & Stats

For ability scores, use the standard array: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. Your racial modifiers, as well as any bonuses from feats or magic items, are added to these.   For starting equipment, use the following rules:
  • Levels 1-4: Standard starting equipment
  • Levels 5-10: Standard starting equipment plus gp equal to 500 + 1d10 x 25, plus one uncommon magic item.
  • Levels 11-16: Standard starting equipment, plus gp equal to 5,000 + 1d10 x 250, plus three uncommon magic items and one rare magic item.
  • Levels 17-20: Standard starting equipment, plus gp equal to 20,000 + 1d10 x 250, plus three uncommon magic items, two rare items, and one very rare magic item.

Equipment Shopping

When choosing starting gear, you can either take the equipment and coin listed in your class and background or you can roll starting wealth and purchase equipment, youreslf.   In general, you can purchase any equipment found in the Equipment chapter of the Player's Handbook as part of character creation, provided you have enough coin for it.   You can "sell back" undesired items from your starting equipment, trading them for coin equal to half the price listed in the player's handbook. For instance, selling a shortsword back would give you 5 gp.   If your starting equipment entitles you to a magic item, talk with me so we can figure out how you got it. Magic items are rare and expensive, and cannot be purchased with starting gold.  

Content Rules

You may use any content (race, class, feat, etc.) that is not mentioned in the Ban List.  

Content from Other Campaign Settings

All official 5e content is allowed, but please tell me the gist of your character as far in advance of play as you can, so we can ground your character in the Realms.   Even if you don't particularly care about your character's homeland, culture, or similar details, the information may be important to me in running the adventure. It allows me to engage your character more directly, and can affect how my NPCs and monsters react to you.

Ban List

There are very few things that I disallow in Crossroad Realms games. These bans are not made lightly, so please respect them.   If a ban kills your concept, talk to me. We'll figure out a way that you can play your idea within the permitted materials.
  • Unearthed Arcana
  • Homebrew
  • Peace Domain (Cleric subclass)
  • Explosives & Firearms

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa