Gehereleth Species in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


"The Devils in the Nine Hells seek to rule the universe, while in the Abyss the Demons plot to destroy all of Creation, and in Gehenna the Yugoloths scheme to profit from both sides. In the prison plane of Carceri, the native Gehereleths have a dream of their own: that of enslaving every living thing."
- Douglas Snook

  A reviled and excommunicated (from all Realms save Carceri) form of Yugoloth, Gehereleth's are the dynastic jailers of the infamous Prison Plane. Like Devils, a Gehereleth's subspecies determines its caste.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Gehereleths do not reproduce sexually. Instead, their numbers are kept in indefinite check by a peculiar quirk of Carceri's Realm Magic: when a gehereleth dies, a corpse on Carceri is transformed into a new Farastu.   As for the other forms of Gehereleth, they are as much evolutions as they are subspecies. A faratsu who becomes powerful enough gradually shifts into a Kelubar, and more rarely, a Kelubar who gains enough power, socially and physically, becomes a new Shator.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like most Yugoloth, Gehereleths do not actually require food or drink for survival. However, some indulge in these luxuries as an expression of their power and wealth.


Like any sapient species, all Gehereleth have individual identities, psychological profiles, and behaviour patterns. However, a common thread in Gehereleth populations is that, being prisoners themselves, Gehereleths are deeply reluctant to surrender any freedom they have. Conversely, they generally delight in any control they can wrest from others, and can be motivated by increasing the number or power of beings under their thumb.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Gehereleths are found throughout Carceri. The upper-ranked Shator typically rule from torture palaces where they gloat over their rivals and show off their most impressive prisoners. Kelubar and Farastu are distributed more widely, as they enforce and enact (respectively) their Shator's will, managing its prisoners and working to increase the number and power of inmates under its command.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All Gehereleths, like most Yugoloth, have supernatural abilities. Gehereleths, in particular, are difficult to evade or deceive. They can see through invisibility and illusions, and their minds are shielded from magical manipulation. This is in addition to the physical hardiness of their species, which renders them resilient or immune versus effects that would normally poison or dissolve other creatures.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

It is common for any Gehereleth, even the lowly Farastu, to keep detailed records of the number of things—especially living things—under their control. Controlling especially powerful beings is a source of great prestige among the species, and can even be enough to raise a Farastu or Kelubar to the next caste.   The highest caste, Shator, can often be observed to throw exhibitions, where they parade their most powerful prisoners before other Shator and show off their armies of slaves and Abhoroloth. Gehereleth do not seem to share any concept of combined racial power, and endlessly compete and scheme against one another.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa