Guardinal Species in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


Guardinals are a species of humanoid celestials with a mix of human and animal traits. They are native to Elysium, but are also found in great numbers on Mt. Celestia.

Basic Information


Guardinals are humanoid, and resemble a blend of human and animal traits. They tend to be taller than the average human, except for the smaller varieties such as the mouselike Musteval.

Growth Rate & Stages

Guardinals mature faster than humans, usually developing at a speed halfway between that of a human and the animal from which it derives its other traits.

Civilization and Culture


The origins of the Guardinals are unknown, even by their own reckoning. As far as anyone knows, the Guardinals have always been found in Elysium. Some say they were created by Mystra, and it is true that many Guardinals are in her service, but the goddess denies making them, claiming only friendship as the basis for their cooperation.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa