Remorhaz Species in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


Also called a polar worm or ice worm, Remorhaz are superheated centipede-like lizards that burrow through icy terrain and explode upward at unsuspecting prey.

Basic Information


With a maximum recorded length of 20 ft from head to tip of tail, Remorhaz are enormous beast. Their body resembles that of a centipede, with chitinous armour, a spiky spinal ridge, and extraordinarily dense, insectoid legs on the lower half.   Its upper body is carried upright when above ground, and its most striking feature is the fan. A remorhaz's colorful fan has a batwing-like structure, and extends on both sides of the upper body. It creates a large, elongated triangle ten feet in diameter. This fan can be folded down paralell to the body for burrowing.   The head is a jagged assembly somewhat similar to that of a green dragon, though not as long. Two round eyes project from the head, offering a wide visual range. The lower jaw can unhinge to allow swallowing of large prey.

Ecology and Habitats

Remorhaz are drawn to extremely cold environments, particularly glaciers and icebergs, where it can burrow through the ice and ambush prey from below. Remorhaz have never been spotted in warmer climes, and some suspect that the cold environment is a necessary counter for the heat its body generates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Remorhaz are carnivorous, and prefer large prey, which it swallows whole. They have enormous appetites and quick metabolisms, so swallowing live prey allows it to begin searching for its next meal while digesting the last one.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A remorhaz is magically superheated, capable of melting ice and even some minerals at only a touch. This allows it to burrow through glaciers and snowfields. It is also assciated with the creature's absurdly fast metabolism.
Scientific Name
terribilis scolopendra
Magical Beast
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa