Storm Kings Organization in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

Storm Kings

Four monarchs who manage the weather in Arcadia. Though they cooperate with each other as an organized force, the Kings are natural beings and extensions of the realm itself, and not appointed positions. Some say these four eternal monarchs are gods, but if they are, their abilities are much more limited than their peers.


There are only ever four Kings at a time; no more, no less. Each rules over a different meteorological element: cloud, lightning, rain, and wind.
  • The Cloud King has a citadel on a mountain North of the Orb of Day and Night. The King creates and distributes clouds across Arcadia from this stronghold.
  • The Lightning King creates and sends out thunder from the peak to the south of the Orb of Day and Night. The tower of this fortress constantly crackles with carefully-controlled electricity.
  • the Rain King's castle to the east of the Orb is constantly shrouded in water, and is also the headwaters of Arcadia's rivers.
  • The Wind King has a citadel to the west of the Orb of Day and Night, and it is the mouth of every breeze and gale in the Realm.
The Storm Kings cooperate to form more complex weather patterns. There is no need for a Sun King, because the Orb of Day and Night supplies light and warmth.

Public Agenda

The Storm Kings cooperatively control the weather - and thus, most of the ecological welfare - of Arcadia. They cooperate with The Harmonium so that Arcadian citizens can predict and prepare for the weather. The Kings themselves are considered  Arcadian citizens, but are more akin to physical manifestations of the Realm itself.


Each King inherits a castle with the title, as well as the powers to control one of the four elements of Arcadian weather. Complete control over these elements could be turned to terrifying power, but fortunately for Arcadia (and her enemies), the Storm Kings use their powers only for the prosperity of life within the realm.


The Storm Kings' origins are murky, dating back to the beginning of the world. From what has been pieced together over the ages, the first Storm Kings accepted their responsibility over the weather of Arcadia during the formation of the Realms, and operate according to laws set out by Primordial beings during that time.
Geopolitical, Co-rulership

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa