The Sun League Organization in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

The Sun League

An organization united by their vow to fight evil in all its forms across the Realms. It has chapter-houses in several major cities, and is one of the most widespread institutions in the Realms, especially in the inner and northern realms.


The quest against evil unites the diverse members of the League. While each member's specific definition differs, most agree on the League's rough and flexible definition, that acts of evil are those which harm the innocent and upset the peace.   As a rule, members of the Sun League do not work pre-emptively. Simply thinking or planning an evil act is not considered punishable, only committing one.   While not a strict rule, it was highly discouraged for members to act alone. Working in groups helps the League conduct itself fairly, as the additional members of a group could act as checks and good-faith critics of the decision to act against a particular target. The strength in numbers also helped ensure its members lived to fight evil another day.

Public Agenda

The Sun League seeks to battle Evil in all its forms, wherever it appears. It seeks to defend those who cannot defend themselves, to bring evildoers to justice, and to protect the peace of the Realms.


The Sun League's chapterhouses offer several resources to members, not the least of which being a truly safe place to lay one's head for a night. In service of the fight against evil, the League could also supply its members with gear and transport. It also helps along less-experienced members in their training by pairing them with mentors who could teach them the skills they need.


The League is one of the older Primus-based organizations. Its beginnings are foggy, but the story goes that it was originally inspired by a seraph from Celestia. An ordinary knight-errant was inspired by the angel's relentless and fearless pursuit of evil forces, so much so that she quit her banner-lord, swearing herself to no master but the call of Goodness itself. In time she grew a following, which became the Sun League.

Faith, Valor, Action.

Civilian, Knightly Order

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa