The Untamed Wilds of the Beastlands Organization in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

The Untamed Wilds of the Beastlands

Being a literally wild country, the Beastlands are not organized under a central government. However, just as on Prime, its ecosystems do find a balance. Since all creatures in the Beastlands are sapient, those with the inclination are able to formalize these structures.   For instance, a pride of lions may be considered an organization in the Beastlands, with the pride male functioning as a nomadic chieftain. Adding to this, several deities of beasts and nature make their home on this plane, and their subjects gather around them as adoring kin. These Paragons rarely rule these species directly, but nevertheless command respect and loyalty from them.


When the Beastlands is involved in inter-Realm affairs, one of each species typically chooses a representative to form a Council of Beasts. Often, due to logistical necessities such as space and limited speaking time, the number of representatives is less than the actual number of species in the Beastlands. "similar" species choose a shared representative, which is often an arduous process filled with much argument and debate.


Each community within the Beastlands has a culture unto itself. Indeed, even solitary creatures have their cultures of isolation and independence. The one thing all citizens of the Beastlands have in common is their sapience and their desire for their homeland to remain more or less as it is.   However, even on this point, the Beasts are not of a single mind. There have been instances in the Realm's history where interlopers nearly succeeded in building roads, logging forests, and otherwise imposing structure on the wilderness, by convincing certain tribes of Beasts that it would be advantageous. These efforts were stopped by the counsel and fangs of wiser creatures.
Geopolitical, County / March

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa