Chapter 1, Scene 3: The Night of Arriving in Baldur's Gate Report in The Crucible of Creation | World Anvil
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Chapter 1, Scene 3: The Night of Arriving in Baldur's Gate

General Summary

After hiring the mercenaries Fang Wolfrunner and Zephyr Willowbane to protect the village of Berdusk in his absence, Elrich and party travel to the capital city of Elturel to plead their case for assistance against the forces encroaching upon the territory. After meeting with the high counciler of the church in Elturel, the group quickly discovers that kingdum of Elturgard will be completely incapable of assisting their village of Berdusk.

In desperation, the party continues it's journey to the City of Berdusk, carrying in their possession a mystic key that is rumored to be capable of unlocking a great treasure, but only when all 3 of them are combined. 1 of these other keys is in the possession of a being known as "the Collector" within the city of Baldur's Gate.

Scene 3: The Night of Arrival in Baldur's Gate in The Lost Records of Lady Arcadia the Crimson, and Sir Cassius Az'Reald
Report Date
15 Oct 2019
Primary Location
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