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Remarks made before the battle of twin rivers

Hear me now! If we don't fight the dead this day, if we flee back to the walls of crasvongrad we will spell the doom of our peoples. The walls that held back the dead in days past will be of no use to this horde. Our one and only chance is to strike at the heart of our foe with everything at our disposal.   The path that lay before us is full of danger, but we are not unprepared. We have gathered an unparalleled group of skilled individuals of all backgrounds that would have seemed impossible just a month ago. Consisting of almost all the known races of the smoking sea. We have a have a plan that gives us the best chance at all coming home. We Have the greatest concentration of magic users of all stripes in living memory. Sure we have lost people but what is worth gaining in this world that does not come with a Cost.   I can see the look on your faces as you look upon our foe. Know This If it were not for the liches fear of us he would not gather in such numbers, and any less then this force could not hope to even face us. So take heart Soldiers of the Union we have put fear into the dead. As long as we follow the plan and remain steadfast we will taste victory.   My Fellow soldiers we can now see the city of twin rivers. Soon we shall meet the dead face to face. I have resolved to expose myself to some of the worst dangers of this battle. I will live or die amongst you. While this army fights together no force of the dead can defeat it. Let us fight the army of the dead. All of our peoples will taste the fruits of this victory
Record, Historical


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