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The Black Library

The Black Library served many Purposes, first a repository of knowledge, secondly a jail for those the empire finds distasteful. The Library was built to replace the previous ( and also destroyed)Towers, in this way in allowed the empire access to many secrets while keeping the worst bits of knowledge from the outside world. Its second roll as a prison was much appreciated by the state and its prisoners. For the state it provided a very secure and less severe punishment for educated or Nobles of The Empire of Runestone, for the prisoners it provided a very comfortable alternative to the death sentence as long as you could read and obey the leaders of the Library. The Library's destruction is a Mystery that hangs on the minds of the magically inclined, and until recently its ruins served as a reminder of  the  dangers of magic. It seems  as the Highest  folly by many sages that Gaius Astoria  has rebuilt the ruins to serve as his Imperial  Academy.
College / Academy
Owning Organization


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