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The Grand City of Runestone

A Bustling metropolis with a mixture of Opulent government buildings and slums as far as the eyes can see. The Jewel of the West Runestone is a city of Intrigue and Skullduggery.


80% Human 10% Half Elves 2% Half Orks 2%Halfling  6% Other


The city is the personal property of the Emperor of Runestone but a council of merchants and guilds run day to day business


The City walls Consist of 4 sets of walls. The First wall known as the wall of the betrayer, ( Tacitus ) the newest is only 20ft tall. Before the 2nd Wall 100ft  is cleared out and used as a park. The 2nd wall known as the wall of Aulus is 35ft tall and studded with towers every 150ft. The 3rd wall, the wall  while on


Overland and Underground  Aqueducts, Hub of a highway system
Alternative Name(s)
Clach-aoil in the oldest texts, The Imperial City, and They Big Baugette by The Grand Duchy of Crastvongrad
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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