Scroll of Protective Barrier

"Bold treasure hunters, eh? Lemme tell ya, yer gonna need a bit of help. All ye needs is one of these. Simple little scroll of protection. All made up. and ready. Acts like a wall up to 3 meters by 3 meters, but just 4 cm thick per rank that is visible to the caster or those with Detect Arcana. Just 100 silver per rank and ye get a Hardness equal 6, 8, 10, 12, or 14 by rank. Blocks wind, water, attackers, arrows, musket ball or even canons! Of course that works both ways. Each Wound breaks a 1x1 meter section. Dispell does a 2x2 meter section. Disenchant brings the whole thing down for a round.  Whadda ye say?"
- Marketplace Talismonger

Mechanics & Inner Workings

In the Cursed Isles magic is difficult and costly but may be contained in scrolls that may be restricted use or open use. Scrolls mean that anyone with enough silver can cast magics  Beyond this, in the Isles every native is aware of aspects of the world via their own visual display that includes their own stats and displays stats of others when they are tested.  Scrolls are activated by willing a power point into it by the user and a Spirit roll. Scrolls are innert until activated and spell type may be descended. Botched rolls cause the spell to fail. Critical fails are backfire and cause loss of wind equal to rank.

Manufacturing process

The spell is imprinted upon the paper, parchment or vellum both arcane runes and the spell pattern and power points spent in the creation and rolled as if casting the spell. The quality of penmanship, calligraphy or artisanship impacts the end spell and rolls of these skills limit the rank of the spell.  When inscribed, the spell is set as open or restricted and what the restriction is.
Raw materials & Components
The basics of scroll construction are knowledge of Magic and the Barrier spell. Then parchment or vellium, though paper can be used - it is much more fragile and subject to damage and destruction. Enchanted ink and brush or quill are also needed


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