The Greatsword of The Goddess Jurumai

The Goddess Jurumai's symbol is the greatsword "Strife" and her avatar carries the great blade, the relic of her power. She is the goddess of War and Death and the firey runes etched in the sword glow ever brighter when there is conflict nearby. The blade thrives on combat, singing a wailing song in an unknown language when it is in use. Beyond this only those anointed in the service of Jurumai can even lift it. For all others it is heavy as a mountain. It can cut any known substance and damage ghosts and spirits. The sword is a manifested symbol of the Goddess' domain.  The holy person of the avatar changes, but the Gtreatsword is of the Goddess herself.  Thus the sword is her symbol for all followers.


In the begining Jurumai wandered in darkness. The Goddess discerned a sound in the dark and followed it to it's source.  Looking down upon a living world and living things she discovered the sound was the struggle of life and death. Predators and prey. She watched every fight, every hunt and feeding. The deaths of hunger, wounds, poisons and illness.  She claimed the world as her own and dwelt in the hearts of hunters and prey for long ages. Then came new creatures to the world.  Fishmen.  Opogin. Chaju and others.  They used weapons of metal and armor. Jurumai watched and listened, learning the languages and the arts of combat, and the new struggle between tribes and races for resources and conquest. She entered their hearts and minds.  And she discovered other Gods.

  The Gods were jealous of their domains and worshippers.  They chose to fight each other.  In this conflict Jurumai drew out all the ferocity of the beasts and the peoples.  She forged armor red from the blood spilled in a thousand fights. She drew out "Strife" as the shining forces of her desire, the sparkle and fire of life set in icy cold of death.  She laughed and gloried in the battling of the Gods. And there came a day when the Gods saw the destruction they had wrought in the world and three gained from it - Jurumai Goddess of Battle, War and Death.  Ativora the dream of hungers, that gathered the ghosts in the Ghost realm. And K'fa, the BlackWater , the cold, hard being that hates the noise and light of the surface world and dwells in the deepest parts of the world- ocean depths, caverns and lost placed deep underground.

The Gods agreed to not fight directly.  They would remove themselves and leave their servants- the avatars, Chosen and worshippers to carry forward recruiting more followers, serving the purposes of the Gods and battling their enemies.  Jurumai delivered "Strife" to her first avatar and it transfers to each new one every few centuries.

"Strife" is unique. However the Chosen of the Goddess carry blades called "The Children of Strife". These are lesser swords that share the silver appearance and qualities of harming spirits and ghosts, and all physical substance, along with the runes of fire that glow in combat.  These "Children" are holy objects for the devout.


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