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Discover Undermountain's Secrets

Gurren Oblodra's keen eye has been searching Undermountain for hidden lore about the massive underground complex. As Gurren delves deeper into the depths of Undermountain, he develops an interest in the lore of Clan Melairkyn and the Netherese Empire.   Recently, Gurren has discovered a book about the fall of the Netherese Empire, Karsus's Folly - The End of the Netherese Empire.   Gurren's exploration of Undermountain has led him to a unique and perilous discovery—a bronze mask belonging to Halaster Blackcloak, The Mad Mage, the enigmatic and unpredictable ruler of Undermountain. When Gurren dons the mask, it grants him the ability to enter a secret chamber hiding Halaster's simulacrum. Gurren has been granted three questions by the simulacrum.  
Well, don’t just stand there like a boob. Ask me three questions about Undermountain. Two of my answers will be true, and one will be false.
— Halaster’s simulacrum
  Hestitating to ask the wrong questions, Gurren has saved the mask and kept his questions for later.

Cover image: Undermountain by Midjourney


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