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Bloodstone Sentinel

A humanoid statue made of green stone streaked with red steps forward, its long, curved claws reaching out. Its face is blank of features except two deep eye sockets that drip fresh blood like tears. Evil cults exsanguinate sacrifices over specially prepared bloodstone statues, infusing the life force of the victims into the rock and granting it life. These sentinels are driven to see more blood spilled, whether by their own hands, those of their masters, or even those of their enemies.   Blood Calls Blood. The blood infused into the sentinel perpetually leaks out, a representation of the agony that created the construct. This agony pulls on nearby creatures, drawing out vital fluids and ripping minor wounds into great injuries. The sentinel stores this blood inside itself, and the red veins in its stone become more prevalent the more blood it stores.   Mindless Fury. Those who create bloodstone sentinels invariably see power through the spilling of blood and utilize the construct to spread their faith. Some blood cults use the sentinels as mobile containers for the primary component of their profane rituals.   Construct Nature. A bloodstone sentinel doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.

Cover image: by Kobold Press


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