Captain Maynard

Captain Maynard as he is most frequently referred to is a reputable Sailor, Navigator and leader Born In Plymouth England he Set to sea at anearly age with the English Navy, In Peace time Sailing with Privateers in the Dark Caribbean He did not like how the British West India Company was taking a cut of the prize money before he and his shipmates divide up the rest so after a few less than profitable cruises he managed to sneak a set of ship Blueprints from the last prize his crew took and set out to find him a builder for this ship and take on his own crew under the black flag of the Brethren.   Captain Maynard befrinded a Spanish Privateer in Tortuga claiming to be a member of the Ildefonso Family. One drink with Gaspar Ildefonso soon lead to several and him sailing with Gapsar's Crew to Santo Domingo and Maynard living it up with Spanish Whores and Ladies in Waiting for nearly two weeks until Gaspar Introduced Captain Maynard to his Sister Celia Ildefonso.   One Evening Maynard shared the Ships plans he had Absconded with Celia after a Family Dinner. Celia was truely interested in the plans as they where unique and from the Colony of America. Later that evening the wine poured and Maynard, sat and played Poker with the Ildefonso Family during this time he began to loose way too much to the point he owed a sizable sum to Celia Ildefonso an agreement was made that she would take possesion of the plans for her own but she would Build a ship to the specifications for him and leave him with enough Silver to get her running and crewed if an only if the first three successful voyages he would giver her 50% of his share and the plans would forever be hers.   Maynard tooker her up on this deal and after the test voyage he was more than happy with the ship she built for him fast and nimble and more than capable. His first three voyages he actaully took on nearly all Spanish Sailors in Santo Domingo most having very little scruples they Plundered the Gold Coast taking their loot to Tortuga and paying his debted shares to Gaspar Ildfonso who would bring them to his sister Celia. On the Thrid of these Voyages Captain Maynard was Bandly Injured and now wears a Brace on his mostly dead Left leg that hinders is speed but his leadersip and tactical skill along with sharp seamanship still keeps him voted as captain.   Maynard and his Crew started to earn a bit of a Reputation and even some of his crew wrote a Shanty about their exploits. Maynard has taken the Ship back to Santo Domngo for some repairs and upgrades that his coin could cover but the Spanish have now vowed to capture Maynard and his ship the Santaino for crimes against the crown. Celia and Gaspar Ildefonso deny any assoications with Maynard to those that inquire as the debt has been more than paid and they most certainly have kept them Secret from their own Brother Fermin Ildefonso Governor of Santo Domingo and Commander of Spains Red Fleet harbored there.   Captain Maynard has kept his most recent plundering to the Floridas and the Antilles and he now takes on Brethren Crews on the Island of Scavengers Cove Near Nassau.

Cover image: by Bing AI Image Creator


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