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Session 2: Onwards through Brokenstone Vale Report

General Summary

Started the session in the stone circle with Ari having disappeared. It seems like as good of place as any to settle for a long rest, having noticed that there doesn't seem to really be a normal day-night cycle in this part of the woods, Tyrfinas suggested resting and sets up a tiny hut, making it dark inside for sleeping.You all took watches, some of you watching the surroundings from inside the hut, some of you from outside. Kronk has some excitement, chasing down a boar in the night, then bringing it back for your days' meals after giving a prayer of thanks.   Upon waking, you all notice Kronk's boar and decide to carry it for dinner, instead feasting on berries and rations for breakfast. As you walk, you leave the fog and mist behind. During the day, you run across a number of different oddities. Maxi notices old druidic symbols, though they are written in a dialect that she hasn't seen and she isn't able to decipher them. You come across a 20ft hole of boots, surrounded by trees that block your path as you try to go around. Kronk ends up in the hole after the trees knock him in as he drew his sword to attack them. Alvin pulls some boots out, finding they are all left footed as Aelar and Maxi play boot-catch with Velocidrone.   Kronk goes to string out his rope to assist in crossing and finds that it has gone mysteriously missing since he last used it to cross the river the previous day. Alvin finds a few magical boots in the midst of the other ones, as Kronk does a full inventory of his bag. He finds that he is missing some of his rations and his rope and decides to wear his pack in front of him. Tyrfinas asks the trees to step back and they kindly oblige, allowing the rest of the party to walk past.   The party then continued walking, eventually arriving at a more cultivated area with orchards. You all discovered a variety of apples including ghost apples, black diamond apples, cherry bombs, pineapples. As you are talking to those who tend the forest, a group of werewolves greet you. Olcan, a large red wolf introduces herself as the pack leader. They demand that you show them your marks of entry into Brokenstone Vale as all who travel must have the permission of a werewolf to enter. After some debate and much fast talking on behalf of the party, Lobo (one of the other female werewolves) suggests that they let you live if you will help their town with a problem. The party agrees and Olcan sets Felan, a young wolf, to assist you in reaching their town of Shatterstone. They tell you to head to the city and ask for Victor Malazan. They will be nearby evaluating Felan, who is on his third attempt at passing the ritual Sateré-Mawé - coming of age. They also offer the party a map that they claim is more accurate than the one that Tyrfinas had gotten previously. The other werewolves then disappear into the trees, leaving you with Felan in the orchard.   As you settle, Kronk starts cooking dinner in a stone circle just off the orchard that has been set aside for this purpose. Tyrfinas eats the blorange gifted to him by the fairies, finding it tastes like a citrus pineapple, but blue. You all have about an hour to rest or do other things before it is time to rest for the night.
The Dark Feywild Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Tyrfinas Farlight
Report Date
11 Dec 2021
Primary Location
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