

One final thing that has come about since the end of the 4th Corporate War has been a rewriting of the rules of Corporate responsibility. No longer can a Megacorp hide behind the "Corporate shield" of the past that allowed so many CEOs and their Boards to evade responsibility for their more nefarious activities. As an absolute requirement for filing legitimate Articles of Incorporation in the EuroTheatre, China, the Free States, and even the New United States, a Corporation must assign the single largest stockholder of the Corporation as its "Face," a living person who is personally responsible for any malfeasance committed by the Megacorp they control. If the Corporation  is found out to have committed murder, fraud, or other illegal activities, the Face must legally take the punishment for the transgression. This could end up as a long prison term or, in the most egregious cases—like industrial accidents such as the infamous Union Carbide Bhopal disaster—even the death penalty.


Obviously, this is intended to ensure that the current "Face" keeps their company out of trouble. Or at least makes sure whatever trouble it gets into isn't connected directly to the management of the Corporation.
Source of Authority
Various govermental entities
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