“I will be a wise and tolerant monarch, dispensing justice fairly, and only setting nightmares to rip out the minds of the evil and wicked. Or just anybody I don't like.”-The SandmanOnce they were god-kings of antiquity. Now they are the power behind the thrown. At least to the mortals. To the damned they are the throne.
Ventrue embrace very particularly. Mortals with power, resources, or ambition and the skills to achieve said ambition are the few who are taken into the Clan of Kings.
Very conservative amongst its elders. Tradition is important and the name of one’s great grandsire carries much weight.
Money and Power are simply their favorite things.
DISCIPLINES: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence
Geopolitical, Clan
Alternative Names
The Aristocrats, The Clan of Kings, Blue Bloods, Tyrants