Biron O'Sullivan Character in The Darkmoon Vale | World Anvil
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Biron O'Sullivan

Biron Hannedy O'Sullivan (a.k.a. Two Shillelagh)

Sheriff Deldrin Baleson⁣'s right-hand man, Biron serves as both Baleson's lieutenant and adviser on natural matters. His moniker comes from his curious fighting style, which makes prominent use of two half-staves. When asked about where he learned it, he offers only that it came from an “old friend.” A lover of combat in all forms, it can be difficult to convince him to back down from a good old-fashioned brawl--lethal or otherwise.
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Quotes & Catchphrases
"Tch. It really does seem like you want me to hit you. Well, far be it from me to deny a man his final wish!"
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