Astrothyl "Cling-all" Resin

What is Cling-all Resin?

Astrothyl "Cling-all" Resin is a very unique, albeit often annoyingly, resistant material commonly found in dense formations of rock typically encountered while mining or blasting in asteroid fields. This resin differs from a normal resin in that it isn't formed by a tree or plant, and is instead found within rock. However, it does share many similar traits as other hard resins like copal or sandarac. Cling-all Resin, once it is revealed to air, hardens, though, to a much denser degree than any tree resin, it also becomes insoluble in water unless heated to an extreme degree, though this in itself is still difficult as the Cling-all Resin has a high melting point.   Cling-all Resin, scientifically known as Astrothyl Resin, is an organic polymer that can exist both in solid and highly viscous liquid form. Though it is not created by a tree or plant like most resins, it is still synthesized naturally within various asteroid fields across the Delta Space, particularly in Exon Authority space. This resin primarily exists in its liquid, high-viscosity, form when it is within the rocks in which it resides. Sloshing about gently in small crevices and hollows, usually in no or low gravity environments. The resin only hardens when exposed to air, or when an extreme drop in temperature occurs.   This typically occurs when the rock in which it is held is broken open by mining equipment, which exposes it to artificial air or to the cold void of space. To which the resin will then harden instantly. Once the resin hardens, it becomes extremely difficult to melt to its liquid form again, as it now possesses a much higher melting point. Also, when the resin has hardened it becomes extremely dense, almost diamond-like in structure, making it difficult to break, chip, or shatter. Though oddly it still holds a sticky film along its surface, granting it the nickname Cling-all Resin.   It is completely resistant to decay in either of its forms, easily existing without rotting within rock formations for eons without any effect. Even when exposed to air, whether it be natural or pumped in via mining equipment, it completely hardens and will not decay pretty much ever.
The highly viscous liquid form of Astrothyl "Cling-all" Resin

Potential Commerical Use

Many companies have spent immense amounts of time, money, and effort in researching potential uses for Astrothyl Resin. Hoping they can take what is widely treated as a nuisance waste material into a workable material they can make a profit from. The resin's extreme density and hardness when compared to its weight is a highly sought-after property. Meaning that the material is resistant to decay and physical damage while also being fairly lightweight.   Because of this, it has been thought it could be a fantastic material for use on space stations or some ships as a lightweight sealant or varnish, or possibly even as a lightweight material used for station and ship panelling. The same principle is behind the idea of using it as a varnish to add an extra protective layer to personal armour plating.   However, the largest problem that prevents this from happening is that it cannot reliably be melted down, not without extreme effort as previously described. Even when it has been melted down, it is difficult to keep in this form as it needs to be in completely air-tight containers that are kept at extremely hot temperatures. If the resin is exposed to even the smallest amount of air or drops in temperature it will once again harden and become impossible to work with. So, unless the product is made quickly while the resin is super-heated then it is impossible to work with at any later date or convenience. This also makes it a very expensive, time-consuming, and labour-intensive procedure.
Astrothyl "Cling-all" Resin is a highly resistant polymer material primarily found within rock in asteroid fields. It is resistant to decay and able to exist for eons inside numerous asteroids, held in small crevices and hollows. It exists in liquid form while not exposed to air, but once exposed to air or cold it hardens instantly. Once it solid forms, it becomes incredibly dense and hard to melt back to its liquid state. Though, it retains its sticky feel, which is what has given it its nickname, Cling-all Resin.   Cling-all Resin is a constant menace to miners, as it is difficult to judge where it may appear, and mining equipment like drills are commonly broken when they accidentally expose a hollow of resin. Which hardens instantly and is tough enough to chip, crack, or completely break even the largest drills.   Because of its lightweight density, many attempts have been made to use the resin as a protective sealant, or as added armour plating for personal protection gear. But nobody has figured out how to cheaply and reliably work with the material.
How is it broken up?
Cling-all Resin has to be attacked with purpose, as a simple drill won't cut it. The Cling-all Resin has to be heated to an intense temperature first, and then either broken up with a drill when loose or scooped out if its liquid form has been reestablished. This latter process is messy hard work, as the resin has to be carefully removed using hand-held tools to avoid clogging any machinery in the process. If the liquified resin gets into any equipment it may as well be thrown out, as the liquid resin will cool and harden on the inside of the machinery, clogging it to a degree that would be impossible to clean.

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