Distant Voyager by Anatoal Silverhawk


On a starlit night, I stand by the moonlit ship bay,
Its rockets roars to life, as it carries her away,
My mother's an explorer, her quest is through the unknown,
To distant galaxies she goes, her dreams are far away.
  I gaze at the cosmic skies, as the spaceship takes flight and goes,
A dark void in my heart, a longing in that starlight,
She's seeking out new worlds, while I'm stuck on this planet’s shores,
As time ticks away, I miss her more and more.
  Oh, distant voyager, my heart's in great distress,
In this stretch of stars, why won't you stay with me?
Through the nebulas' expanse and the comets' trailing tails,
I yearn for your return, but you're still so far from home.
  Her ship sails through space, through time's warp and bend,
A cosmic odyssey, while our bonds stretch thin,
I'm left in her ship’s wake, alone beneath the stars,
To share tales of aches, of my mother’s long escapes.
  I dream still of the moments when we may reunite,
A stellar embrace, in the waning darkness of night,
But now as I grow old, this void still feels so wide,
I wait for your embrace, but you’re not at my side.
  Oh, distant voyager, my heart's in great distress,
In this stretch of stars, why won't you stay with me?
Through the nebulas' expanse and the comets' trailing tails,
I yearn for your return, but you're still so far from home.
  Through a holo screens glow, she sends messages to me,
Of distant quasars and wonders she has seen,
But the holograms replay doesn’t replace this pain,
Without your love, it’s been hard to survive.
  As solar cycles pass into radials and beyond, I grow into my own,
A spacefarer's child, still all alone,
Her mission is prolonged, as my universe expands without her,
I wish for her to know me, for her to come down from the sky.
  In galaxies unknown, I'll find my own way now,
A cosmic bond still stretched through time,
Deep inside, this yearning won't ever subside,
For the moments we missed, we've only gained lost time.
  Oh, distant voyager, my heart's in great distress,
In this stretch of stars, why won't you stay with me?
Through the nebulas' expanse and the comets' trailing tails,
I yearn for your return, but you're still so far from home.
  As the cosmos spin, and stars cease to gleam,
I'll hold on to hope, that it's in space's grand scheme,
That you’ll once more stand firmly next to me,
No more missing moments, as you’ll have finally returned to me.
A popular song written and performed by Anatoal Silverhawk, who wrote the song based on their experience growing up with a single mother who was a long-distance space transport hauler. The song sings mournfully about lost time with their mother, and how they could never be close due to their mother's work.   Anatoal Silverhawk has expressed that the song isn't an indictment of their mother and that they share a great love for her. The song is just a commentary on the sacrifices a single parent must endure to support their family and how a child may misunderstand that sacrifice as abandonment for something that seems like a grand adventure to a child.
Space Cowboy and Starbound Country Western Singer, Anatoal Silverhawk

Notes Regarding this Article
Most importantly, I am not a songwriter, but I thought it would be fun to take a crack at it. So, I merely looked up a standard structure for a song and tried to remember my grade seven music class education and tried to do my best. This would likely not pass muster if put to an actual tune.    I tried to keep it simple and write something that felt a bit like a sci-fi Western Country song. Which is not something I ever expected to attempt as I do not listen to country music in the slightest. But as I was writing the lyrics it started to feel like the most appropriate genre. For some reason, I kept thinking of Bluegrass from the show Silverhawks as I was writing this.


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Aug 2, 2023 20:22

A lovely and touching tale! I actually picked up my guitar to see if it was playable, despite the doubts you mentioned in your notes. Using chord progression C#m A E G# it played as a fine bittersweet tune. Most songs can be made playable by pausing here and there, or creatively skipping a few syllables. If anything you should write more songs. Every world could use at least one songbook! Great job!

Summer is almost upon us! Check out Freelands!
Aug 3, 2023 17:13 by Joshua Stewart

Thanks! That is actually very flattering that you went to the extent of trying to play this on an actual guitar. And I totally agree! I really want to explore music more in my settings, despite not being a very musically inclined person. I enjoy the heck out music, I just don't write or play it typically haha.