
The Hallucinogenic Porcupine

The Quillborne are a unique species distinguished by their porcupine-like quills that secrete a potent hallucinogenic venom. This venom causes attackers to experience vivid, surreal nightmares, leaving them incapacitated and disoriented. Living in a small, tightly-knit society, the Quillborne have developed some technological advancements but rarely engage in spacefaring travel. To protect each other from accidental exposure to their own venom, they wear specially designed suits that neutralize the hallucinogenic effects.   They are an intelligent species, one that is quite capable of advanced technological development, proven by their development and use of their protective suits, they have instead decided not to embrace technology and instead embrace nature and spirituality.   Despite their limited technological usage, the Quillborne's society thrives on mutual protection and a deep understanding of their environment. Their culture is rich with traditions and practices centred around their unique biological traits, ensuring their survival and continuity. This includes the use of shaman-led rituals that use small doses of their own venom to induce dream-like visions in the hopes of reaching enlightenment.   While they remain largely isolated, their intriguing abilities and the rare occurrence of their kind make the Quillborne a fascinating subject for those few who have encountered them.
A Quillborne Shaman preparing tea using distilled venom for a ritual

Use of Venom in Shamanistic Rituals 

The Quillborne are a shamanistic people, despite being more technologically advanced and able to create complicated machinery and spacecraft they have decided not to. Instead focusing on rituals derived from their biological abilities and their deep understanding of nature and spirituality.   This includes several uses of their own hallucinogenic venom which scretes from their quills. They use the venom in small doses in several rituals and practices designed to help the imbiber reach epiphany or spiritual enlightenment. There are two particular rituals of note, the Venom Brew Tea Ceremony, and Venom Dreaming.  
Venom Brew Tea Ceremony
Quillborne Shamans prepare a special tea using small amounts of diluted venom taken from their own quills. The venom is brewed into an herbal tea specially made by the shaman from local flora. The blend differs from shaman to shaman and will change depending on the intended use.   The tea is consumed during a ritual between the shaman and the tea's imbiber. Both drink the tea and are induced into a surreal series of visions. The shaman, who has naturally stronger resistance to the hallucinogenic effects of the venom will guide the Quillborne through these visions. With the hope that the visions will allow for personal enlightenment and healing.
Venom Dreaming
A similar ritual in which a Quillborne Shaman uses a small dose of venom in order to induce visions. However, this ritual is more intense for the imbibers as they ingest the venom directly in a small dose undistilled. Those who drink the venom are then guided by a shaman into a dream-like state.    While in this state they will face and have to interpret surreal visions and seek advice from their spiritual ancestors. This is a common ritual in many Quillborne societies for adolescents transitioning into adulthood. This specialization of the ritual is designed to test the young to ensure they are ready for the mental rigours of adulthood.
A species with porcupine-like quills that secrete hallucinogenic venom, causing attackers to experience vivid, surreal nightmares that leave them incapacitated. The Quillborne are a civilized society that values mutual understanding and protection.    While they have advanced technology available to them they prefer to be shamanistic and natural. Their personal technology was mostly developed to protect each other from their venomous quills. The Quillborne focus more on mutual respect and unity with each other and their environment. They very rarely engage in space travel and do not conduct regular trade with anyone. Their homeworld of Quil is located in the Federated Territories of Vash.
Homeworld of Quil
Quil is a small planet located in the Federated Territories of Vash, which is known for having a diverse range of species found within it. Quil in particular is primarily populated by the Quillborne, as its name would suggest. It is primarily open wilderness, dotted with numerous Quillborne villages and communities. The Quillborne rarely work with metals or harmful materials and instead, they do their best to live within nature-focused communities built from sustainable materials.   Quil is primarily a temperate climate but has a variety of local environment types, most of which the Quillborne are comfortable living in. This includes dense forests and woodlands, arid deserts, grasslands and plains, rocky terrain, and even a small tundra found on each of their planet's poles. A large portion of the planet is water, both fresh and salt, and the majority of the planet is situated on about a half dozen medium-sized continents.

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