Testudinidae Bos Taurus - The Torto

What is a Torto?

Testudinidae Bos Taurus is a common creature found on rural planets primarily in O.Sec F and The Federated Territories of Vash. More frequently referred to as the Torto, these creatures were intentionally bred over many generations to combine the rugged endurance and long life of a tortoise, and the brute strength and work capableness of a bull.   These large, herbivorous beasts have a tough leather shell and powerful muscular limbs, and share common traits pulled from each animal. Most of these traits were intentionally chosen making it an ideal creature for manual labour on remote, resource-scarce planets.   They require minimal dietary needs and have exceptional resistance to harsh environments. The Torto can easily plow fields, haul heavy loads, and traverse difficult terrain without requiring much care or concern.   Also, due to their size, they are a wonderful deterrent against predators and thieves. Its placid temperament and long lifespan make it a reliable companion for settlers in far-flung rural areas, and they are often treated like close family pets.  


The Torto has been a staple farm animal for many generations, but it wasn't always this way. When communities started to pop up across O.Sec F territory, it quickly became apparent that typical cattle wouldn't suffice for manual labour duties. The rough, arid landscapes of the planets made feeding and watering these large animals difficult. Often, the resources needed to maintain these animals were more than what they could assist in growing and harvesting, creating an unideal situation. After many years of struggle, a solution was direly needed.   This is where the geneticists of Biodiversity Deep Genetics (BDG) stepped in. For many years, BDG specialized in genetic manipulations and hybridizations for the farming industry and rural communities. They were a driving force behind many previously important products, including bio-sensitive pesticides and fungicides. Recently, they began hybridizing farm animals to create more cost-effective, tameable animals for various farms. When BDG heard of the plight of these rural farms in O.Sec F, they jumped at the chance to help develop something useful for these communities.   Most corporations, especially those in the genetics field, whether farming, rural, or otherwise, are typically not the most trustworthy. They are often corrupt and merely seeking profit, especially if a large margin can be attained for minimal work. BDG differed from this norm; the company and its workers held a core belief that helping rural communities in need was one of their top priorities. Though they often butted heads with their investors, they still pushed through and more often than not met their core focus.   Over the next decade, BDG experimented with the hybridization of various cattle and other animal species. Using their vast knowledge of genetics and access to advanced technology, they mixed the genetic makeup of species that in nature would never be able to procreate. During these experiments, they eventually found an unexpected but ideal combination: a tortoise and a bull. They focused on this combination because it provided the most benefit to the farmers. Additionally, a tortoise and cow hybrid was also created so that farmers could sire their own future generations of Torto without needing BDG's involvement—a controversial move for a company whose usual aim is to make money.   BDG was eventually successful in creating the Torto, and it was an instant success, with many farms and rural communities buying up thousands of first, second, and third-generation Tortos. However, after this initial wave of purchases, sales slumped to almost nothing. As intended, farmers started rearing their own Tortos and would trade and sell them amongst themselves, much like they would have done with regular cattle.   This lack of concern was intentional on BDG's part. Unfortunately, BDG soon faced harder times, losing various projects to the ever-expanding Signa Pharmaceuticals, a much more aggressive and profit-driven company known for buying up its competition. Eventually, BDG's shareholders decided to offload the community-minded company to Signa. BDG still operates today but merely as a small branch of Signa Pharmaceuticals. Their work is no longer community-driven and instead is just a small cog in a massive MegaCorpo machine.
The Testudinidae Bos Taurus, or "Torto," is a hybrid creature found on rural planets in O.Sec F and The Federated Territories of Vash. Bred for manual labour, these animals combine the endurance of a tortoise and the strength of a bull. With a tough leather shell and powerful limbs, they plow fields, haul heavy loads, and traverse difficult terrain with minimal care.    Initially created by Biodiversity Deep Genetics (BDG) to withstand harsh conditions, the Torto quickly became a staple farm animal. BDG, now a subsidiary of Signa Pharmaceuticals no longer sells the Torto as farmers have turned to breeding their own. 
New Breeds
As time has passed, the Torto are bred in various climates, locales, etc. The number of breeds of Torto has increased, initially, the Torto was simply large, had long upright horns and was usually a mottled brown colour all over. Now, the variety in which Torto are born varies greatly. Some Torto come out off-white with brown spots, like a dairy cow. While others may have shortened legs and lower wider horns. Some of these varieties are merely cosmetic and random, while others have been intentionally bred by farmers so that they can either have a desired attribute, colour, or pattern or so that they can better work at a more specific task instead of being a general hauling cattle.

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Aug 18, 2024 19:52

It's part turtle, what's not to love about it? Allthough I'm not so sure I would want to meet one of those, they look a little bit horrifiying. But in all earnest, I do not only like the hybrid itself, but the insights into the corporate structure of this world. At least at some point, MegaCorpos weren't all bad.

Aug 20, 2024 16:38 by Joshua Stewart

Thanks! I always enjoy writing about strange creatures in my settings. And it only felt right to speak on the corporate side of this, since this setting is pretty packed with MegaCorpos. Which you are right, haven grown to be mostly bad. But weren't necessarily always that way. Time and money definitely led to lots of corruption.