The Asteroid Town of Bessel - The Asteroid Strip

Origins of Asteroid Strip

The Asteroid Town of Bessel is a single 1.5 km long street that hosts a strip of old buildings of unknown origin. The asteroid-like rock was found floating in space two generations ago by Jones Bessel, a once-floundering entrepreneur seeking success in various failing businesses. Bessel happened upon the rock by chance, spotting it from the viewport of his ship while travelling.   What he saw was a bit bizarre, though this in itself is not uncommon in the Delta Space, however, the scene in front of his eyes was that of what looked to be an asteroid. Though it was clearly part of an ancient planet or moon of some sort at some point in time. As perched on the asteroid's back, was a street, complete with various buildings, road signs, and the like. Curious he wheeled around his ship and landed on the airless rock.   Exploring down the road Bessel spotted buildings that were old bars, clubs, hotels, casinos, and other various hospitality-related businesses. Sensing another opportunity, Bessel got to work. He borrowed a few loans from various sharks he knew and began to build his grandest idea yet. He would build a community, one focused on entertainment, partying, and gambling.   He would name his Asteroid Town, Bessel, after himself of course. However, over time the small settlement would more frequently be called the Asteroid Strip, which would annoy Bessel to no small degree.   The initial construction of the Asteroid Strip focused on a habitation dome that would make the asteroid habitable, with fresh air and a limited weather system. He then went about repairing the first operating buildings of the strip, including a casino, a bar, and a hotel. These buildings, and several more would be repaired in the coming years, all of which are still operated by Bessel and his extended family. Several other buildings would be leased to private individuals and businesses, more than half of the once-derelict buildings have now been renovated and are fully operational.   Over the next several decades the asteroid would grow in popularity, becoming a popular visit for those looking to engage in some casual sinning, especially those travelling to O.Sec F, an area known to be remote and dangerous. Now, several hundred people live on the Asteroid Strip as well, working at the various businesses and helping to maintain it.   The Asteroid Strip essentially operates as a small town now, though, it is not officially recognized by the Federated Territories of Vash in which it resides within. It is still owned and operated by the Bessel family, and Jones Bessel himself still has a small hand in operating the town. Though his advanced age has made this a more difficult task, and his involvement in the town has dwindled significantly, to his chagrin.   The Asteroid Strip is a constant party nowadays, with a steady flow of people enjoying drinks, gambling, and various other pleasures. It's a fun place if you know how to avoid trouble — or how to get out of it when it finds you.
The Stargazer Saloon, one of the oldest bars and attractions on the Asteroid Strip

Locations of Interest

The Asteroid Strip is home to a variety of entertainment and hospitality-based businesses, including bars, casinos, hotels, clubs, and various miscellaneous stores and shops. Below is a small snippet of some of the more interesting venues in operation. Some of the more (in)famous include the below;
The Stargazer Saloon
A once brilliant western-themed bar, when it first opened the bar it was festooned with garish cowboy-themed ephemera including a swinging saloon door, an automatically playing piano, western-themed uniforms for their employees, and even regular hoe-downs each night.   But time has been unkind to the Stargazer, and all of its lustre has dimmed much like its once polished floors which now sit grime-ridden and dirty. The automatic piano broke years ago, though it still occasionally tries to entertain a sad lot of regulars with a janky broken tune. The employees still dress in the same uniforms, but they are dusty and moth-eaten, the employees no longer even attempt to serve with a jaunty smile, more frequently it's a scowl and a sigh. The hoe-downs are no more, and only a semi-functional radio blurts out a random collection of dated tunes and the occasional news now and again. But the Stargazer Saloon still has its regulars, mostly drunks and bounty hunters, but it seems to be enough to keep the old saloon going.  
Bessel's Lucky Slots and Casino
Jones Bessel first opened this now-aged and well-loved establishment upon first founding the Asteroid Strip. Most of its refurbished decor and furnishing have once again fallen into repair. Its once bright neon signs are now flickering and dusty, and much of its retro decor while quaint has lost some of its charm with age.   Inside the vintage slots are some of the few machines that are kept in well-working condition, as they continue to be major money makers for the casino. The casino's classic card tables and lounge are still lavishly furnished but the once plush cushioning has gone flat. But despite its antiquated appearance, Bessel's Lucky Slots and Casino still has a dedicated crowd of nostalgic gamblers and regulars who are eager to experience a piece of history.
The oldest casino on the Asteroid Strip, Bessel's Lucky Slots and Casino
The newest casino on the Asteroid Strip, The Celestial Palace Resort and Casino
The Celestial Palace Resort and Casino
The shining new jewel of the Asteroid Strip, one that even has Bessel and his family jealous. This modern and sleek building has all the most recent and cutting-edge gaming technology and hospitality services. The resort and casino boasts several sprawling floors of slot machines, virtual reality gaming rooms, and high-stakes poker tables.   Those who stay there can expect a variety of luxurious amenities including gourmet restaurants, exclusive VIP lounges, and a high-end hotel. Making the Celestial Palace a full palatial experience where its visitors won't feel the need to leave during their stay. It is an exciting addition to the Asteroid Strip especially for those with money who are seeking exciting high-stakes games and opulence.
The Galactic Gold Exchange and Star Loans and Paydays
Galactic Gold Exchange and Star Loans and Paydays are two pawnshops that have been locked in fierce competition for decades. Long before they were rival shops, the two owners were co-owners of one singular shop. To make matters worse, they are brothers. After a serious falling out over the business the two split and opened their own shops, one of either side of the Asteroid Strip.   To this day, despite running nearly identical businesses, buying, selling, and loaning money to visitors of the Asteroid Strip they have never reconciled and still fight bitterly. They even go as far as purchasing competing advertisements and besmirching each other's names. All so that they can vy for dominance in the lucrative business of used goods, jewellery and consignment loans.
The Asteroid Town of Bessel, commonly referred to as the Asteroid Strip, is a small community consisting of one 1.5 km long street located on an asteroid-like rock floating through space along the border of the Federated Territories of Vash and northwestern O.Sec F.   Asteroid Strip is primarily known as a last-stop party town before entering into the more remote areas of O.Sec F. It is a popular location for bounty hunters, gamblers, and general vagabonds and grifters. The Asteroid Strip is a constant source of excitement, conflict, and debauchery. Populated by party seekers, drunker gamblers, and greedy business and casino owners. Despite this the Asteroid Strip manages to survive and stay in an odd balance of harmony regardless.
Jones Bessel
When Bessel first discovered what would become Asteroid Strip he was in his early twenties. Despite this, he was already a well-experienced, though not very successful, entrepreneur with dozens of both legitimate and illicit business contacts. Using these he constructed what would become the Asteroid Strip.   Despite being in his late eighties now Bessel is still sharp and intelligent and still does his best to stay involved in the running of his beloved rock, but his frail physical form is quickly betraying him. His family mostly runs the business of the Asteroid Strip, and once he passes full ownership will pass to his remaining kin. While he loves his family he will only ever truly trust himself to run his business endeavours.

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