The Hivemind Sentius Network - Auxiliary Defence Module


The origins of the Auxiliary Defence Module are linked to the The Hivemind Sentius Network , which denotes both the territorial governance in the south of the Delta Space and the species of networked androids that manage it. This species of android is highly intelligent, and became a major political player in the Delta Space about 60 years ago, consolidating various independent states through purchase and coercion into a large territory.   The territory was begrudgingly accepted by the other governances and classified as an official territorial governance due to the rules set by the Recognition of New Space-Bound Territorial Governance Borders document.   Over the years, the network has remained primarily intact, operating as one mind across hundreds of thousands of networked androids. However, after a decade or two, the network discovered the dangers of operating as a networked being in such a large territory. Certain threats posed significant risks to the network's overall health.   One particular incident in the early days of the Hivemind Sentius Network's territorial development convinced the main network to develop this defence module. During this incident, a Trade and Travel Monitoring Satellite was pushed out of its orbit by a previously untracked asteroid, drifting toward one of the territory's suns.   In an attempt to salvage the station and its cargo, the network sent in a regularly networked team. However, a large sunburst erupted from the star while the androids were aboard the satellite. The androids and most of the technology were fried, causing a series of backlashes throughout the network. Only a quick intervention that encased the network's mainframe on the Hivemind Sentius Main Networking Control Board and Operations Station saved it from damage.   This incident convinced the network that an isolated team was required for such emergencies. To prevent potential backlash damage again, the Hivemind Sentius developed the Auxiliary Defence Module, a collection of androids purposely removed from the network and set up on a side-branched network that could be quickly attached or detached from the main network in case of emergency.   Within a week, the Auxiliary Defence Module was ready and deployed, one to each quadrant of the territory and one stationed on board the Hivemind Sentius Main Networking Control Board and Operations Station to address any issues quickly and concisely. They have been operating for the last five decades, with androids routinely brought into the Main Networking Control Board for evaluation, repairs, and memory wipes to prevent glitches.
The current territory of the Hivemind Sentius Network

Organization, Design, and Deployment

The Auxiliary Defence Module consists of five groups of six androids each, deployed whenever a threat could cause damage to the network. One group is always stationed within one of the four quadrants of the Hivemind's territory, and a final one is stationed at the Hivemind Sentius Main Networking Control Board and Operations Station.   Despite being designed by the Hivemind Sentius Network their design differs greatly from the standard model to help identify them as the Auxiliary Defence Module and to allow for various modifications to be installed when needed, depending on the mission at hand. These units are intentionally designed to be bulkier and less sophisticated to increase shielding and reduce the amount of sensitive wiring that could be affected by things like solar flares and electrical bursts.   The Auxiliary Defence Module is crucial for the long-term health of the Hivemind Sentius Network but is not without risks. These androids operate as independent minds which is a dangerous situation for the main network, as they do not wish for individuality to flourish. The network though does its best to keep the androids in line.   The unnetworked androids receive direct instructions from the main network, which they must comply with due to a servitude chip installed in their bodies.   They also undergo regular maintenance so that any damage or glitches can be rectified, especially for those androids who have a habit of developing quirks, like a personality. These androids are frequently mind wiped, or if severe enough dismantled and replaced with a new model.   Regardless, they still operate separately from the network much of the time. And as such they are the only known group of Hivemind-affiliated androids that do not share a mind with the network.
The Auxiliary Defence Module is an independent, self-contained unit intentionally quarantined from the main Hivemind Sentius network. They are only used in situations where the main network is at potential risk, operating on a side-branched network that can be easily cut off if things go sideways.   They typically deal with network-wide emergencies or threats to the Hivemind Sentius Main Networking Control Board and Operations Station. Units vary in design depending on the usage required.
Rogue Unit
Recently, one of the Auxiliary Defence Module units went dark. The group of six unnetworked androids last reported in while investigating a border disruption in the western edges of the Hivemind's territory. The network recorded a large electrical disturbance before the androids went offline.   This electrical disturbance fully separated this Auxiliary Defence Module unit from the main network control, frying their onboard inhibitor and servitude chips. Now, each of the six androids is fully autonomous and is developing their own personalities, desires, and quirks.   Experiencing actual freedom for the first time, the unit decided to leave Hivemind territory to explore the universe as individual androids. They have yet to decide if they will return to the network's service but have vowed to give it serious individual thought, now capable of independent reasoning.

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Aug 3, 2024 23:57 by Marjorie Ariel

Seems smart to create a network seperate from the main hive-mind. I particuarly like the bit about the rogue unit in the sidebar.

Aug 6, 2024 02:32 by Joshua Stewart

Thanks! I always like writing little mysterious sidebars for articles. Its the DM in me, I like leaving little story starters for potential TTRPG campaigns in a lot of my articles.