The Jaw

Discovery and Current Day

The Jaw, as it would become known, was discovered about a generation ago by a crew of merchants seeking refuge from a solar storm which frequents the area. They were stunned by the sheer size of the jaw, easily being able to fit their trio of ships in between the teeth of the creature's lower jaw. The jaws provided plenty of protection from the storm, so the crew stayed there until the storm passed. From then on that same crew would shelter in the jaw any time a storm hit and they were in the area. It even became a bit of a casual hang-out spot for the crew.    Word spread of the Jaw eventually and many more crews would settle alongside each other, each taking refuge from the storm. Soon enough due to the number of merchants and travellers, each started to conduct business while settled in waiting for the storms to pass.    Over the years a few entrepreneurs would settle down on the jaw, converting their ships into permanent shops, restaurants, bars, and inns. Connecting gangways would be constructed soon enough to connect these businesses and create a mini community and healthy marketplace. Though the jaw doesn't have an atmosphere it does have some gravity so traversal between shops on these gangways can be conducted with relative ease as long as an atmospheric suit with an air tank is worn.
Old ships being used to construct the interior market of the Jaw


Despite being a location built slowly over time, without the involvement of any sort of government body, there are still agreed-upon rules that must be adhered to while visiting.    First of all, there will be no violence outside of the occasional bar fight tolerated on the Jaw. Those who established the Jaw as a micro-community and most of those who frequent it have decided that is a neutral zone. One that has been established primarily to house travellers from dangerous storms and cosmic burst activity. So, it would be wholly unfair for those seeking safety and shelter only to find a den of violence. On the flip side, those that are eager to incite this sort of violence are escorted back to their ships, by force if need be, and will be politely asked (forced) to depart the Jaw. Regardless of whether a storm is present or not. Most, do not wish to risk flying in a storm and are usually more than happy to be nice.    The second rule is that all business is welcome with only a few small caveats. The trade of life is prohibited, and those found doing so will have their "wares" confiscated and freed, and they will be barred from the Jaw permanently. Illegal goods are allowed otherwise on the Jaw, including the trade of weapons, illicit materials and drugs, and information. And while the holstering of weaponry is allowed, the firing of a weapon is not unless done so in self-defence.    The same goes for drug use, though this rule is somewhat relaxed, the use of drugs is allowed but you are responsible for your own actions. So, if you break any of the other rules while under the influence you will face the same consequences and may find yourself forced from the Jaw temporarily or permanently. Because of this most frequent travellers to the Jaw keep themselves in check.
The Jaw is the actual lower jaw bone of a colossal ancient alien creature that floats in space in the Federated Territories of Vash; it offers protection from cosmic storms and radiation bursts that frequent the area. Travellers frequent the area especially when storms are bad; often having to hunker down for a few days.   Because of this, The Jaw has become somewhat of a thriving community over the last generation, with a large and thriving market, a few dozen restaurants, bars, and inns, and plenty of parking. It holds a mixture of people all of which typically set their differences aside to hunker down and wait out the storm passing by. If trouble is started the participants run the risk of being kicked out of the Jaw which can be a dangerous prospect if a storm is still working its way through the area.
What could it be?
What is known is that it is an actual colossal lower jaw bone from an ancient alien creature that hypothetically floated about in space in the Federated Territories of Vash region.   Only the bottom of the jaw is present, it is unconfirmed what the species could have been but based on the shape of the jaw it is theorized to have been a carnivorous mammal of sorts. Perhaps a fox or another similar canid. It is unknown how this kind of animal could survive in space, especially at that size.

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Aug 15, 2024 03:38 by Lady Wynter

Definitely wasn't expecting to read about a jaw being sheltered location. I'd say I want more flora and fauna but like how much of that are you gonna get when there's no atmosphere?   A quote or two from those who live here or visit would be nice. Would bring this place a bit more to life for me.

Bringing the Light
Aug 15, 2024 19:05 by Joshua Stewart

Thanks! And I appreciate the constructive suggestions. I do wonder now that you mention it how a garden would work at this location, and how to get around the no atmosphere thing. Ideas for future additions for certain! And the quote idea is spot on, kicking myself for not thinking of that while writing the article. Oh well haha. Maybe I will add a few once the judging has been completed for the Summer Camp. :D