The Metamorphosis of Dr. Amara Mir Character in The Delta Space | World Anvil

The Metamorphosis of Dr. Amara Mir

Change is Inevitable

Below is the last known journal entry of Dr. Amara Mir, mycologist, biologist, and specialist in xenobiology and synthetic immunology, stationed at Surrealia Deep Jungle Research Facility Fβ12

I believe this may be my last journal entry, my limbs are becoming heavy and burdened under the weight of whatever mutation is taking over my mind. I can feel it in my head, small pops of electricity and beautiful sparkles of light behind my eyes.
My body is changing. My mind is not far behind it.
I am being rewritten it seems. Much like the Blue Devil Snuff Balls I was stationed here to research.
I will try and record this change before my mind slips completely.
My skin has become a soft pale colour, almost the colour of milk, but quite translucent. I can see a sort of mycelial thread webbing out just underneath my skin, all across my body. It glows a gentle blue colour.
All over my body, I can see stalks breaching my skin. I don't seem to feel much pain anymore as the process of these stalks breaking the skin does not seem to cause me pain or discomfort. Most of the stalks are small thus far but a few have grown to about three or four inches. The largest of the stalks are beginning to grow what seem to be sporangium ranging in size. The smallest is perhaps marble-sized while the largest is roughly the size of a handball.
My current hypothesis is that when they, or when I, reach adulthood they will pop and spread more spores to seed whatever the next generation will be.
All this should terrify me, but I feel...calm now. Like my emotions have been numbed. I am not sure why, but I feel compelled to allow this to occur unabated
It seems like the solar flare that hit Surrealia has affected us all. My colleagues are dying as well. They've let the panic of the unknown take control of them, and many have taken drastic measures to try and end their suffering before they bloom. It won't matter, the change will come regardless of the damage they inflict upon themselves.
They don't understand the beauty of the change occurring within us. .
Death is only the first part of this evolution. .
I..feel. It.
New life. Us...
Welcome. It..

Expedition to Facility Fβ12
An expedition is being sent to the facility to ascertain the damage and to discover the current whereabouts and status of the doctor, her colleagues, and importantly her research and any potential samples that have survived since the solar flare incident.   The journal entry is the only documentation of what is occurring at Facility Fβ12. She and her colleague's whereabouts are widely unknown. In the few months since the solar flare the victims of this change, the doctor included, may still be within the facility or they may have found their way out and have made their way in to the jungle itself.   Nobody really knows, but part of the responsibility of this expedition is to find out.

Who is Dr. Amara Mir?
Dr. Amara Mir was a biologist specializing in mycology and xenobiology specifically in the field of synthetic immunization. She was most recently stationed at the Surrealia Deep Jungle Research Facility Fβ12 during the solar flare incident. Dr. Mir was in charge of retrieving and studying samples of a rare variety of the Lycoperdon puffball mushroom called the Blue Devil Snuff-ball.   However, during her research, Dr. Mir was exposed to the solar flare that mutated life on Surrealia. Unfortunately, she, along with many of her colleagues would undergo their own metamorphosis. The doctor over a few days slowly lost her mind, changing into a Kafkaesque fungal being that shambles about spewing forth spores from puffball-like extrustions all over her body. Dr. Mir has lost her mind, and now solely trudges forward under the control of a new mind. Their only goal is to spread their spores so that the next generation can flourish unimpeded.
The Blue Devil Snuff-ball
The Blue Devil Snuff ball is a fungus that has shown a unique ability to rearrange its chemical makeup to better combat a variety of fungal diseases found within the jungle. It essentially rewrites its DNA so it can quickly become resilient to infection.   An ability that Dr. Mir was curious to test to see if it could be modified for wider biological use amongst humans and other species found within the Delta Space. The company funding her research, and the facility itself, Signa Pharmaceuticals, is also very interested in the research for its potential use in developing a whole new product range of immunizations.

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