The Vega-9 Punks

Who are these punks?
The Vega-9 Punks; known for their vibrant, gravity-defying hairstyles and neon-tinted attire, are larger-than-life rockers who hold a rebellious nature inspired by the Variance Space Station itself. Their music, a fusion of thrashing punk rock and electronic space synths, echoes through the Halls and the First Floor of the station during their impromptu concerts, often held in zero-gravity chambers for an extra dose of anarchy.   The Vega-9 Punks are not just about music; they embody a philosophy of radical freedom and anti-authoritarianism, often clashing with figures of authority on the station, especially those affiliated with the encroaching MegaCorpos. Their gatherings are legendary rave and musical events filled with luminescent graffiti, holographic art installations, and wild performances that seem to defy the conventional limits of space and time.   Despite their rebellious nature, the Vega-9 Punks are deeply committed to community and mutual aid. They run underground networks providing support and resources to those marginalized or oppressed by the station's elite.   One of their current focuses has been on providing aid for those affected by The Ka’yar Civil War. Including assisting with the rescue of refugees for resettlement on the Variance. Which often puts the punks and their affiliates in danger on and off the station.   The Delta Space can often be a cold and unyielding place, the Vega-9 Punks represent a beacon of vibrant resistance and unrestrained individuality, making the Vega-9 Punks community a hub of countercultural energy and creativity.  
The Original Vega-9
The Vega-9 Punks take their name from an old punk rock bar that operated in the Variance Space Station decades ago. An icon of punk rock history and days long gone, The Vega-9 punk rock bar.   The Vega-9 was known as the first true punk bar of the space station and was a hub for much of what the group would become known for in modern days. Including loud and garish music, vibrant and neon-tinted fashion, and a counter-culture spirit that inspired the early-day members of what would become the Vega-9 Punks.  
Sadly, the original bar was lost in a rare shuffle of the First Floor of the Variance Space Station. The station is known for being ever-expanding, constantly shifting and adding rooms as needed for newly arriving residents.   However, once a room is created on the First Floor, which is the main living space of the station near the hangar, it usually stays put.   Unlike the rooms attached to the Halls, the numerous halls and paths that lead away from the First Floor, constantly appear and disappear at random.   The night before the disappearance was a night like many others, a vibrant display of neon-coloured moshpits and music so loud that the speakers crackled and popped under its weight.
The entrance to the old Vega-9 punk bar
  The earliest members of what would become the Vega-9 Punks all gathered together revelling in the loud music and the aggressively passionate crowd of fellow rebels.   When the night finally waned and the exhausted patrons stumbled home, the Vega-9 bar locked its doors for a few hours of rest. And the next morning, it was gone. In its place, a confused laundromat owner whose shop had suddenly warped to where the bar once sat.   Unfortunately, the Vega-9 bar did not simply swap places with the laundromat filling the old space. Instead, it seems to have disappeared entirely. It's yet to be spotted since, and many believe it's been lost to the chaotic maze of the deeper station.   Though the Punks are convinced it still exists somewhere, as the station doesn't ever destroy, it only adds and shuffles about. So, somewhere hidden, lost deep inside the station exists the holy site of the punk rock gods and the birthplace of the Vega-9 Punks. Just waiting for someone to stumble upon it and switch on its stage lights once more.
The Vega-9 Punks are rebellious rockers known for their gravity-defying hairstyles and their neon-glowing attire. Their music is an energetic mix of punk rock and electronic space synth, often holding lively raves on the Variance Space Station.   They embody a philosophy of radical freedom and anti-authoritarianism, frequently clashing with station authorities and MegaCorpos. They are also committed to community and mutual aid, they support marginalized groups and aid refugees affected by the Ka'yar Civil War, often risking their own safety. In the harsh Delta Space, the Vega-9 Punks stand as a beacon of vibrant resistance and unrestrained individuality.
An Unofficial Leader - Neon Vortex
The unofficial leader of the Vega-9 Punks, a charismatic and enigmatic figure known only as Neon Vortex. He is a middle-aged rocker entering into his mid-sixties. And while the Vega-9 Punks don't have an official hierarchy or any sort of elected leader, many seek out Vortex for his wisdom and guidance. Making him an unofficial leader or at least the wise patriarchal rocker of the group.   One of the OG members of the Vega-9 Punks, he has been an active member for decades. Being one of the earliest adopters of the group's mutual aid and community support efforts. He is one of the few living members to have partied in the original Vega-9 bar. Which many other members are envious of.   Vortex is rumoured to have many connections with various interstellar rebel groups and is known to have personally been involved in many off-station rescue missions in his youth. Further enhancing his larger-than-life mystique and cool factor.

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