Virus Floriferum Gemmae Impatientis - The Bloom Plague Virus

Audio transcriptions from recordings taken by Dr. Rhyne

The following are the recordings of Dr. Elara Rhyne which catalogues her findings in the early days of The Bloom Plague of Razlo. Her notes are some of the only known details of the inner workings of the plague. For a more general overview of the condition please read the main article here. For a description of how time is kept in the Delta Space please read Measurements of Time in The Delta Space.

Journal Audio Entry - Time Logged;
S2:3:8 - L5:10 - C4:6 - R4:10 - FY:3663
Six months before the fall of Razlo   Doctors' notes for the day—a fairly standard practice—took an unnerving turn today with a peculiar case. [Redacted name], a young male, arrived complaining of a sore throat and intensely itchy skin. Examination revealed a disturbing purple and yellow rash primarily on his throat, starting to spread to his torso. It's small but distinct. I'm unfamiliar with this rash and will research further. Despite his discomfort, he seems otherwise stable. I've prescribed a topical corticosteroid cream and advised over-the-counter analgesics if the pain persists. For his throat, I recommended gargling warm salt water and drinking herbal tea. I took a small sample of the rash for further study and instructed him to return if symptoms worsen. He has been sent home with instructions to rest.

Journal Audio Entry - Time Logged;
S3:3:1 - L2:10 - C5:6 - R4:10 - FY:3663
Seven days after the first encounter   A note of small concern — [redacted name] returned today with significantly worse symptoms. The rash has intensified, spreading in large, solid patches across his upper body, about the size of handprints. The patient is in great distress, having scratched the rashes raw, with bloody skin under his fingernails and open sores. I've requested he stay overnight for observation and administered a stronger dose of painkillers to help him rest, as he hasn't slept in some time. Out of caution, I've donned a full mask and protective goggles while examining the patient.

Journal Audio Entry - Time Logged;
S2:3:2 - L3:10 - C5:6 - R4:10 - FY:3663
Eight days after the first encounter   Returning to examine [redacted name] revealed a significant escalation. The rash now covers two-thirds of his body, almost one continuous mass. The patient has developed a fever with hot and cold flashes, weakness, and severe abdominal pain. Scans are being done to assess internal organ health. This situation is increasingly alarming.

Journal Audio Entry - Time Logged;
S2:3:5 - L3:10 - C5:6 - R4:10 - FY:3663
Eight days after the first encounter, three hours later   Initial scan reports are extremely concerning. The patient shows internal bleeding and severe organ failure risk. The rash has spread several more inches. It appears viral; thus, the patient is quarantined while awaiting sample results.

Journal Audio Entry - Time Logged;
S2:3:10 - L3:10 - C5:6 - R4:10 - FY:3663
Eight days after the first encounter, five hours later   The samples indicate infected spores which have propagated a virus upon its germination in the infected rash, replicating rapidly by hijacking host cells. The patient likely inhaled these spores a week before the symptoms began to appear. The virus's contagiousness and how many others are infected remain unknown. Everyone in contact with the patient must wear masks, and isolate themselves where possible.

Journal Audio Entry - Time Logged;
S3:3:5 - L4:10 - C5:6 - R4:10 - FY:3663
Nine days after the first encounter, 11 hours later   I've had little sleep since my last entry. The situation has grown dire quickly. More patients show similar symptoms, both from prior hospital visits and new arrivals likely infected by the original sporal source. Patient zero's condition has deteriorated. He's non-verbal, delirious, and writhing in pain as if something inside him is trying to break free. Portable ultrasound scans have been ordered as he cannot be moved. His prognosis is grim. Sadly, I do not suspect he will survive his affliction. Audio transcription from a recording taken by Dr. Rhyne

Journal Audio Entry - Time Logged;
S3:3:6 - L4:10 - C5:6 - R4:10 - FY:3663
Nine days after the first encounter, one hour later   Scan results are horrifying — tendril-like growths are inside him. This is unprecedented, I’ve never seen anything like this. All we can do is observe and hope to learn how to help others.

Journal Audio Entry - Time Logged;
S1:3:8 - L7:10 - C5:6 - R4:10 - FY:3663
Twelve days after the first encounter, three days after prior entry   The hospital is in chaos, but I must record this. We are overrun with what we now consider a viral outbreak. Patient zero, [redacted name], has passed—time of death recorded just minutes ago. His last days were marked by a sudden stillness, only small, beleaguered breaths...   [recording is interrupted by screaming]   What!? What's going on!?   [Banging from a nearby door can be heard]   What do you mean patient zero is trying to break down the door? He's deceased!   You two, hold back that door while we get assistance.   Describing the following scene for future analysis...Patient zero, declared deceased, is now trying to break down the door to his room.   [crashing sound as the door breaks down] zero has broken free from confinement. His entire body is covered in the same yellow-purple rash from his neck. Dark, blotched tendrils have erupted all over, writhing as if sensing the environment.   [grotesque squelching can be heard]   No no no...get it together, Elara! Describe it! Patient zero has...sprouted...a large sunflower-like extremity from his neck. A cloud of yellow spores is shaking off this floral protrusion. Damnit, we need to evacuate. Evacuate!   [Dr. Rhyne can be heard coughing]   Fuck, did I inhale some? I need to go. Consider this my last recording. I'll pass these notes to an uninfected associate. I don't have long. I'll help evacuate in the meantime.   [Recording ends; chaotic background noises stop]
Virus Floriferum Gemmae Impatientis, commonly known as the Bloom Plague Virus is a virulent pathogen which first emerged on the moon of Razlo. It is a highly infectious viral disease that quickly shuts down the victim's body after a brief illness which includes fever, chills, weakness, abdominal pain, shock, and internal bleeding. The Bloom Plague is distinctive for its purple and yellow rash which slowly covers the victim's entire body.   In the final stage, the victim enters a delirious state before falling into a coma. The skin erupts with tendrils and dark-blotted flowers, and death is inevitable during or before this stage. After the victim is deceased a large, sunflower-like object blooms from the victim's body, typically around the neck, ears, mouth, or eyes.   The origins of the plague is thought to be through the inhalation of spores from the Impatient Gem Weed, prevalent on Livio and its moon, Razlo. For generations, this plant's exploding seed pods were a harmless plaything for children. However, approximately a decade ago, a viral infection of unknown origin infested some of these plants on Razlo, altering them into vectors for the Bloom Plague.
Dr. Elera Rhyne

Further Research
Dr. Elara Rhyne was able to pass along her recordings to a fellow doctor and biologist, Dr. Thane Arken. Who took her notes, and was able to catalogue a more formal study and hypothesis of the Bloom Plague. Dr. Arken was also able to witness the future horrors of the Bloom Plague, and include the earliest observations on the Bloom Plague Puppets. The corpses of the victims of the Bloom Plague are puppetted about by the sunflower-like parasite born from the viral infection that killed the victim.    In his observations, Dr. Arken noted much of the behaviour that is now common knowledge on these macabre puppets. Including how they are somehow able to sense life, and slowly move towards living targets with the express purposes of spreading their plague to new hosts. Sadly, the whereabouts of both Dr. Rhyne and Dr. Arken are unknown, and it is assumed that they perished during the earlier days of the plague. Though Dr. Arken was able to send his research off-world before the moon was blacked out and quarantined.
Dr. Thane Arken

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