
The largest building in the village is the hospital, by a large margin, as well as being the newest.   It's clear the hospitals presence has forced the village to modernize, somewhat, with a rail line nearly cutting the place in two, and scaffolding heralding the construction of new buildings around it.   The youngsters seemed to be pretty jazzed about the whole thing, but a few of the grey-hairs kept eyeing the edifice of the hospital as I talked to them...
-Notes about the Eastern Continent for an Atlas of Travel

Modern industry is dangerous, that much is apparent. From the injuries that can be accrued in a factory the deaths that heavy machinery can inadvertently cause, to the sickness that the mix of chemicals and magical can cause. One of the most common diseases that develop on the line is Valor's Rot, once only common in soldiers that frequented battlefields with elevated levels of magic and magical particulates but now a growing presence in the civilian population due to if one can surmise, factory output.   So great has the epidemic become that alternate treatment solutions had to be found. The sanitarium system has proved itself as an effective aid in bringing the internal magical levels of people suffering from the Rot down, by isolating them in places naturally low in magic.   The village of Kościuszirka is one such place that medical professionals have decided to make use of for such purposes.   Ten years ago, the hospital of Our Mother of Soothing Mercy opened on the outskirts of the village, bringing an influx of money, work, and the ill. While not all are appreciative of the hospital's presence, the help that it has given those who have been maimed by the modern world is notable.
Location under

Cover image: Ignacity Soda Ad (Via Artbreeder image generation) by Artbreeder image generation, user provided


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