
You don't want the spirits of the old country coming for you, Dill.   Your grandmother was always very clear about why you don't mess with them, I promise you that.
-My mother, to me as a child.

While most spirits tend to stay in a more amorphous form that renders them incorporeal, functionally immune to most damage, and difficult to contain long term, that's not always the case on Infraurum. Others prefer a more solidified existence, which renders them vulnerable, but all the more able to blend in with humanity itself.
The Absi-ili is one such example of these, being a trickster spirit from the Eastern Continent.
The M.O of the Abdi-ili is that of the spirit taking on the form of a weary traveler on the side of the road, shoulders covered by a clean cloak and head wrapped in a traditional style, they wander the byroads in search of anyone that will stop and listen to their pleas.   If you stop for them, they'll ask you for any food and water you may have, and through gile and charm will attempt to get you to stop and camp for the night. Should you fall under their thrall, not magically enforced in this case, and make camp, they'll wait until you go to sleep before rummaging through your things in deathly silence.   How dangerous the Abdi-ili truly is relies on what they find first.   If they find more food, their form will change to a corpulent form, so large that it will struggle to move and be unable to follow you any longer.   If it finds wealth, particularly jewelry or precious metals and gems, it becomes a thin, yellow-eyed thing that will become obsessed with the wealth that it's found and with a supernatural link to said wealth. Should you take it back, the Abdi-ili will certainly return to take it back from you.   Should it find a weapon, it will become a brutish, musclebound highwayman, and will turn the weapon upon you even as you sleep.
Due to the creature's reaction to food, many Eastern Continent cultures have a particular tradition of keeping a small stash of rations on top of anything else in their cargo, be it crates or packs.

Cover image: Ignacity Soda Ad (Via Artbreeder image generation) by Artbreeder image generation, user provided


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