Ablative Effigies

Look, I know that they're a bit eerie, but you need them, I promise and I'll work on getting you some that are more...appealing to look at.    I've seen curses turn people inside out on stage, and no one wants to see that. Where it as a necklace, hide 'em in your pockets, whatever, just don't take the effigy off until you're off the stage and your security detail is back in place.

With the advent of industrial magic, the threat that it poses to those unprepared has only grown more and more apparent. Curses in particular, churned out in ever growing numbers by militaries and criminals in equla measure, they can do horrific things to the mind and body of those that are unprotected.    Thankfully for all of us, a defense against simple curses isn't terribly difficult to make for even the most average of the magically inclined. With just a little blood and a couple minutes of chanting over a representation of you and an Effigy is made. The breakdown of their defense is simple. One Effigy will eat on curse, then crumble to dust.    Important figures, when not being protected by magical individuals in a more direct fashion, will always have a few effigies on or near their person, and it's not uncommon for the average soul to carry one in their daily life, just incase a land feud or drunken brawl goes too far.
Item type
Traditionally, Effigies were wraught in the shape of the person they were supposed to protect, but with modern advancements in the understanding of magic that restriction has been lessened. Now they can appear in all kinds of shapes, from little figures to more representative shapes, like charms that resemble shields bearing the family crest of the bearer or other such representative concepts.

Cover image: Ignacity Soda Ad (Via Artbreeder image generation) by Artbreeder image generation, user provided


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