
Listen, I appreciate that your battalion wants to move forward, but that thing isn't going anywhere. Seems the mud of no man's land rather agrees with it.   Trust me, we tried. You'll be wasting the shell if you think that big ol' gun on your tank there will convince it to me. It's been sitting in an artillery barage for that past few hours.   I think it likes the feeling.

The Agnorolg is a species of Titanic Fauna found often found in wetlands and floodplains.   From end to end the creature is on average, on the smaller end of the spectrum of Titanic Fauna, about eighteens malms in length and eight malms in height on average.   it's a large, armored, semi-bipedal creature with shorter forelegs that end in large claws that the creatures use to shuffle through mud and murky water to try and find the roots that make up a portion of its diet. They also serve as weapons to hunt for the other portion of their diet, meat, but are surprisingly not the main tool for Agnorolg's hunting efforts.   That main tool would be a series of spines that are nestled underneath the large armored plates that line the back and sides of the creature. Said armored plates can, with the flexing of muscles in the back of the Agnorolg, lift up and allow for the internal spikes to be launched with significant force. In the species larger specimens, this fore is enough  to launch the spikes through tank armor.

The quality of Animal Oils that can be extracted by this species is of a generally middling grade, but like most Titanic Fauna, it allows for a significantly sized hault in the end.
The creature shows an impressive ability to control which body plates are moved, allowing for it to have some fairly fine control over what parts of the body are opened up to possible attack when hunting or traveling.

Cover image: Ignacity Soda Ad (Via Artbreeder image generation) by Artbreeder image generation, user provided


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