Flencing Winds Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Despoiled Garden | World Anvil

Flencing Winds

Her ship harnessed winds like a racer harnesses a horse, but like racing; one mistake is all it takes. While she fled from a port freshly-raided, the winds soured in her hand and cut her head from her body.
-Grave of an unknown pirate

Much like storms can be whipped to a height by the presence of storm spirits, so can the winds themselves; though it is a rarer phenomenon, thankfully.   When spirits of the air gather, they often create high winds that can flip cars and knock buildings over—certainly a dangerous prospect, but one that is more a byproduct of natural processes. There are times, however, when some indiscernible cause angers the spirits of wind and sky. Their anger pushes them to congregate like all spirits try to, but instead of working the winds into a powerful frenzy, they seize hold of them completely and sharpen them into weapons.   When Flencing winds have been created, there is little that can protect against them. Wood, stone, and metal all are easily parted by them, as is the flesh of those caught in them. The only reliable defense, bar a magical one, is to descend into the ground if possible. If not, the best advice is to curl into a ball on the ground and pray that it doesn't blow directly over you.   While they are, by nature, more common in places that face high winds, Flencing Winds can occur anywhere and seem to be growing more common with each passing year. There are towns on the far eadge of the Eastern Continent that are said to face them monthly, sometimes even twice a month. So much so, they've started building their homes directly into the ground to avoid the sharp air.


It is, unfortunately, a largely sightless phenomena, given the fact that it's spun from the winds themselves. Truly, the only reliable way to tell that you've been subject to a Flencing windstorm is to look out for cleanly cut lumber, rock faces, or long but shallow trenches dug into the ground. Or for a particularly grizzly sign, animals bisected or trisected.
Metaphysical, Elemental
During the Battle of Cloud Statues, several regiments were caught in Flencing Winds, leading to the battles early end, and political change in the beligerent nations due to it's inclusivity and embarrassment.

Cover image: Ignacity Soda Ad (Via Artbreeder image generation) by Artbreeder image generation, user provided


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