
The battle lasted until the sun went down, and both sides retreated to their tents to rest and it, bar the Pallet Corps. Now was their time to earn their pay.   All through the night they ferried bodies back and forth to either side of the lines, and buried them in short order. When I trudged back to my tent I could see them cutting the number of dead in a mass grave into a sign and pounding it into the ground with a hammer. The only grave marker they'd ever get.   Don't get me wrong, I understand the necessity of the action, after all, I don't want to wake up to a swarm of necrophages any more than the average.
-Tales of the Hyena Wars

Graviers are a species of necrophage notable for their verv for digging up the graves of the human deceased, specifically.   Their claws are large and suited for digging rather than slashing, though no one should think of them completely without danger either. Their humanoid form can give them an uncanny appearance to those who don't see necrophages regularly, and their bony plates make them surprisingly tough creatures.   During the medieval era, graveyards remained illuminated at all times, due to the light keeping most necrophages away, though Graviers were noted even then to be more resistant to the light. Now, centuries later, they seem to have lost any fear of light completely, now needing to be forced away if one wishes to have their relatives remain within the ground.
It was once believed that necrophage blood could repel other necrophages. The idea doesn't hold water, and in fact, draws necrophages in like bait. If one is not careful and doesn't take steps to clean up after killing a necrophage, you can have an infestation move in is short order

Cover image: Ignacity Soda Ad (Via Artbreeder image generation) by Artbreeder image generation, user provided


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