
-and out it came from the ground like a geyser, raining down on all of us like a rain of heavy black mud. At first we thought it was just that, but then one of the boys noticed the golden flakes swirling across the back of his hand and practically jumped out of his skin. We were all so excited that the swarm of activity to erect the derrick barely registered. One moment we were punching a hole in the ground, the next we were filling barrel after barrel.    The excitment only died down when those toughs showed up, trying to drive us off. Sent from Sinra & Sons, no doubt. Can't imagine what they were thinking though, showing up with just muscle, not a witch or mage amongst them.   Good thing I kept two around just in case, and now they had a whole well to keep them powered.
-Diary of an Oil Baron, by @Saturnin

Oil . The lifeblood of industry. Condensed magic in a semiliquid form, just waiting to be pulled from the earth, and fed to power factories and homes alike.   In the times of the ancient kings, people sought out the small amounts that would bubble to the surface, and pay ransoms to have access to magical materials so potent, even in it's most basic form.    Now we can crack the skin of the world and drink deeply of it, but not without a price.    It is dangerous to be in the oil fields, let alone to work them for myriad reasons, but few can resist the pay offered. What's a pound of flesh in exchange for a fortune, after all.    Roughnecks, slicks, and blackthumbs are a few of many names that Oilworkers are known by in coloquial parliances across the world, but the name doesn't change the fact that one has to be quick, clear headed, and careful to make it long out there. While the moving parts of industrial machines and pumps pose a danger to limbs and heads that get caught within them, there is also the danger that exposure to Oil imparts upon oneself. The mutations that it can cause in the unlucky and magically untrained, and the damage that unrestrained magic can do to the body without reshaping it can make the hazard pay pale in comparison.
There is a living myth that crops up in the oil fields every couple of years, simply refered to as Oil Phantoms, which a spirits that feed off the magical energies of the Oil runoff, growing steadily more powerful until they directly confront the well crews. While there are many mundane dangers while working on the oil fields, most crews also have to be skilled enough to anticipate and fight off such Phantoms, or risk losing their payday and possibly their life.

Cover image: Ignacity Soda Ad (Via Artbreeder image generation) by Artbreeder image generation, user provided


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