The Barristers

-Eyewitnesses at the scene of the arson, many of them workers at the very factory now burning behind me, said they saw dozens of masked individuals in the colors of the vigilante group known as the Barristers.   Reportedly, they came armed and with obvious magical abilities on display, and forced all the workersout onto the street, before forcing the factory owner, one Byron Bierce, back inside the factory. Minutes later, a commotion was heard from within, and soon after flames were seen within the factories high windows.   No one I've talked to has seen anyone leave since the Barristers reentered with the factory owner.   Now, as you can see, the whole structure has been engulfed, and anyone on the inside would have to have perishedunless they had some particularly powerful magics, and even then-
-News report of a case of arson

Industry has given us many wonderful things, that is undeniable. Easily accessed foods, modern appliances, the materials to construct grand cities and plentiful housing. The benefits of magic have spread in just the same way. It's certainly got it's cost as well.   Materials, of course, have to be harvested in ways that are often dangerous, resulting in injury or disease. The Black Oil fields come to mind. The companies that grow more megalithic with each passing quarter, seeking to exploit the hungry masses at every turn. The pressure said companies place upon lawful institutions, to get what they want can't be understated either. All of these things compound to make it incredibly hard to fight them, individually or together. You'll have an easier time trying to stab smoke.   There are many groups that try, but few who last long, but the Barristers are one that have accrued a name for themselves at the very least.   Founded during the beginning of the industrial revolution, the Barristers were concerned with the rights of workers, and the curtailment of magnates' purchased privileges, and other such valiant crusades. Their name, taking after the legal system, belies the brutality of their efforts.   While the casualties accrued by bombs, fires, and assaults on company-controlled places are rightfully condemned, it's undeniable that the pressure the Barristers applied helped push the cause of workers rights forward across the world, when held in conjunction with more peaceful options.   Even with the victories they've claimed, the organization is still in operation, though perhaps without as full of a roster as it once had. Their presence is still undeniable in most parts of the world, and they continue to fight to make sure that the average worker is properly compensated and protected.
Secret, Occult
It goes without saying that the group is treated as a violent and dangerous organization by every government and law enforcement organization in the world, but despite the misteps that this kind of action invites, deadly misteps, many people still view them with regard, though there has been a change in the MO in recent years that has led the organization to become more erratic.

Cover image: Ignacity Soda Ad (Via Artbreeder image generation) by Artbreeder image generation, user provided


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