The Sun Church

A worship group born out of the belief that piety and adherence to the tenets of God, as defined by the Sun Church, were the only ways to bring humanity to the Promised Garden, and the simple act that groups and individuals were being allowed to defy those tenets was holding all others from the Garden itself.
  So powerful did the Sun Church grow that its influence spread across nearly all of the continents in a tangible way, and even after the Church's power greatly diminished, the signs of its presence remain in ready sight in all the places that they used to reside. The church's image was greatly tarnished by its attempt to establish the Burning Wheel and assume autonomous control over most of the known world.
  While unsuccessful and stopped by a coalition of the nations of the world, the damage that it did in that time can be found in many of the causes of the Great War.

Articles under The Sun Church

Cover image: Ignacity Soda Ad (Via Artbreeder image generation) by Artbreeder image generation, user provided


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