The Tombguard of Naz

My father guarded this tomb before me, as did my uncles and aunts, and their parents as well as their parent's parents.   Don't tell my father, but I have considered leaving. Please do not tell him, I have no idea how he'd react if I said I wanted to leave....
-Tombguardian of Naz

The world is dotted with the works of the Empyreans, for good or ill. Temples to their glory, magical implements, and structures. Their eternal tombs.   The Tomb of Naz is one such structure, buried deep on the Northern Continent. It is different from most, however, due to its occupants. Most other Empyrean ruins are only occupied by dust, insects, and small mammals, but the Tomb of Naz still has an active guardian force.   The Tombguard were put in place during the lifetime of Naz, but still serve their purpose centuries later.   Unlike many of the Empyrean-created organizations out there, they don't particularly serve Naz so much as make sure his old experiments don't make it out into the world without some resistance. Because of this, the Tombguards lives are hard ones. Not only do they have to contain spectral enemies in an ancient ruin with failing containment magics, but they also have to resist outside forces attempting to pillage its depths for arcane secrets. The later may be a common occurrence for any Empyrean ruin, but rarely will the delvers find themselves up against mortal, let alone human, forces.
During the Great War, the Tombguard sealed itself into the necropolis so as to try and stay out of the conflict. The effort was successful, there was no recorded attempts to breach the tomb for the whole course of the war. However, when the doors of the tomb were unsealed from the inside, the numbers of the Tombguard had been reduced significantly.

Cover image: Ignacity Soda Ad (Via Artbreeder image generation) by Artbreeder image generation, user provided


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Aug 12, 2024 22:51 by Marjorie Ariel

I love the idea of guarding a tomb. I assume there has been necormany at play? The note in the sidebar and the quote at the beginning add a lot of context to the article as well.

Aug 14, 2024 00:32 by S.A. le Blanc

Aye, exactly, necromancy is a distinct possibility as well as the general depredations of spirits and such that would do wonders with a dead body. As well as the powerful artifacts and such laying around in tombs such as this.   The comment is greatly appreciated, and the kind words. Not to mention it got me to notice the atrocious grammar and spelling mistakes that I had in there, now hopefully fixed!

War is a beast of dichotomy, of equal parts glory and horror.