
Knives? Sabers? Bayonets? You want them? They're yours my friend, as long as you have enough money!   These beauties will last you till the end of time, my friend, I promise you. It sounds ridiculous, I know, but I even had a customer order a fridge made of wychsteel, and you just know they're going to be after that even at the end of next century!
-wychsteel salesman

The art of magic-infused metallurgy has been studied since humans first managed to stoke a fire hot enough to melt metal, and wychsteel has long since been the benchmark of a strong product. During ancient times it was only made by those that had the greatest skill at metalworking, and fewer still could work the material into a useful form.   The process of making it involves folding magic directly into the metal at the same time that one is forging the ingot, resulting in the visually famous undulating  'ripple' pattern on its dark surface. The end product is reminiscent of a black agate with it's color reversed and a metal that is naturally denser than most everything else that exists anywhere in the world.   Products made from Wychsteel are stronger and more resilient than any other metalic product, making the material incredibly popular for weapons and armor both, and would liekly be standard across the world if it's price continues to sink as more and more factories come to figure out how to mass produce the metal.
The name 'Wychsteel' comes from the metals mythical origin, that being a recipe supposedly told to a witch coven by God herself for the metal.   It should also be said that for much of history only the magically inclined could produce the matal by themselves, since it needed a high temp and also great emotional control alongside the ability to both hammer the metal and use ones will to drive it into the magnet.

Cover image: Ignacity Soda Ad (Via Artbreeder image generation) by Artbreeder image generation, user provided


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