Byron Mortesque

Arch Baron Byron Mortesque

Byron Mortesque was the first Arch Baron of Quarowl, assuming the leadership of the newly formed Baronial Moot after the death of Sad King Berthold.   The family had made their money in forestry and farming and after taking power, Byron acted quickly to energise and develop new crops and improve irrigation, helping the city to combat the effects of a world wide drought. He is credited with being a successful leader who established the credentials of the Baronial Moot at an important time when the city was weak and vulnerable.
Date of Birth
13th Authon, 1822 APC
Date of Death
24th Glim, 1914 APC
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Arch Baron Byron Mortesque by DMFW with Midjourney
Character Portrait image: Arch Baron Byron Mortesque by DMFW with Midjourney


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