Dentatosaurus is one of the most terrifying of the many fearsome dinosaurs that inhabit the wet and ancient jungles of Gondwana.
Basic Information
Dentatosaurus is known as the toothed lizard, so called because of an unusual double row of teeth at the front and top of an elongated jaw, which are used for biting and rending. It is four legged, but there is an asymmetry between the front and the back pair. The back legs are powerful enough at allow the creature to stand on them alone and act in a bipedal manner for short periods. The smaller forelegs are used for locomotion but sometimes act as quasi arms although they do not have true hands, only simple claws. A short fat tail helps it to retain balance.
Genetics and Reproduction
The species is oviparous and the eggs are guarded by the parents during the period of thirty days after laying which it takes them to hatch. The young are ready to begin hunting almost immediately for small prey and scatter from the nest within a few hours of hatching.
Ecology and Habitats
Dentatosaurus is forest living and preys on the many kinds of herbivorous creatures that thrive in the fecund jungles of Gondwana.
25 years
Average Height
5 metres
Average Weight
180 kg
Average Length
3 metres
Geographic Distribution
The should most certainly invest in a good dental plan.
Yes, they get through a lot of toothpaste :-)