Edwardo Cantosquelos

(a.k.a. The Last of the Final Examiners)

Edwardo Cantosquelos was the last of the Final Examiners. After Zemdath the Terrible had dissolved the Examination Board and put an end to the rule of the Moderators' Council, it was Edwardo who exacted a long delayed retribution when, as an old man, he played the decisive role in the successful plot to assassinate Zemdath on 7th Tuzlle 3027 APC.
Quotes & Catchphrases
You have failed your final examination, Zemdath!
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Edwardo Cantosquelos by DMFW with Midjourney
Character Portrait image: Edwardo Cantosquelos by DMFW with Midjourney


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