The enclaves were monitoring sites for the withdrawn and secretive administrators of Earth during the Season Of Innocence. They were typically dome shaped buildings with perimiter power and communications facilities. Inside each enclave there was a sophisticated infrastructure which allowed a large virtual population to exist in a hidden parallel society and within a simulated reality known as the vurtiverse. A few members in each enclave would be entrusted with looking after the physical needs of the site. They would be "decanted" into artilects and formed the "embassy to the substrate".
There was a strict taboo amongst the Rider tribes against trespassing in the enclaves, a superstitious fear which the enclaves themselves fostered in their covert intelligence work. Most Rider tribes had no idea what the enclaves did and nor did they care; they considered themselves the masters of their world and that was exactly how the system of planetary management had been designed.